Worst movie ever. This is no dout tha this is the only year of Akshay Kumar. But on the other hand this film is actually a disaster for king of romance sarukh khan. Movie plot, story line, and, Music, are only quite interesting. Now what is the weak point that is love triangle which is always and always bollywood makes this nonsense. If the movie story according to me if they show the problem face by the short height people's how to face it and a nice and a sweet end by which they want to motivate the short highted people's and inspiration for the long highted persons.
Secondary the second thing is the best part sarukh can able to break the stars which is totally illogical and impractical. Also this is a multistarer movie. Which they doesn't want to show it in the movie and the final thing is it's length the film in lengthwise this is very long that's why second half is very slow. The only one person which impress me a lot is anushka Sharma after pari this next level acting of her carrier which is a challenging role also for her which she played nicely.