I have to express my dissapointment with Zerodha over the technical issues faced by them on 16th July, when their server lost connectivity with NSE for a long period of time.
This is happening often and it is happening with a purpose to provide protection to a few traders, so that they can make money at the expene of your subscribers.
On 16th of July, ZeroDha lost connectivity very early on. However the community was informed only a few hours later. Orders were not getting placed, Modified orders were not passed on to the NSE.
The Support team phone lines were all pulled off. Only one or two operators were manning the lines. It was insufficienet and when finally I got thrugh after numerous attempts, the operator was rude, impatient and very unsupportive. Additionally she was trying to talk to too many people.
I called up the sales team and they told me that they have no clue what is going on. "We only do sales, we do not support" was their refrain.
After much persuation, a manager came on line and he miraculously managed to place a sell order, which was pending in my queue. but he conveniently forgot to cancel the orginal sell order I had placed, which also got executed oncle the connectvity also was miraculously restored.
What kind of technology do you guys have in place, which cannot help in an emergency? Are you learning from your mistakes? Dont you have back ups.
This is not the first time I had this problem. Your system frequently gets disconnected from NSE server. Order modification does not go through. Modifications happens later and causes mayhem. You charge brokerage for those orders also thus minting even more money.
Your operators are not eductated, your sales team work in silos and do not care once your customer and his money is taken. Client service is pathetic.Eating Lunch is more important.
In the name of discount broking, you are data mining the client behaviour and acting against your client and making money. This is unethical. Frequently, when you are loosing you pull the plug on client trading system so that you can secure your positions, make money, exit and leave your client holding the crap.
Your MD is not available to take calls from the client. He sits in his ivory tower and gives interviews to media stating what a good boy he is. Hum Bug!