At Zestbreaks there way of handling their members are very poor. They will never like to give weekends to their memebers and will give them only to non members and make all false committments at the time of selling the membership. I just took the membership less than a month back for the highest season and they are not giving any weekend booking, while if you go as non members you will get the booking.
They are simply cheating their members!
Pls do not go for any membership from zestbreaks though their sales team will do all the promises and later they will just vanish.
If you buy a timeshare and you can not get any weekends while the non members are getting the samething, why do you want to go for this?
Also their tied up properties are selling the rooms in open market for the same dates on which they are not giving a booking to member? I do not think they at all have any control on their process, people or parteners. Horrible state of situation.