I was looking to buy One plus 3T but I was not having enough funds with me. I dont use credit card so Emi through credit card was ruled out of option. Then I searched on google and found Zestmoney, which gave me hope and I visited their website. Browsed it and found that it was very easy to avail loan from them and the process was paperless.
Then I created my account on their website and uploaded all the KYC documents, linked my bank accounts so that they can access my bank statements. Then from their website I opened their partners website which was valuecart and selected my device and came to checkout .
On checkout there was payment option with zestmoney, I selected it and I was asked for down payment of just 100 rs(yes its for real ONE PLUS 3T was shipped to me in only 100 rs down payment) I made the down payment and then within a day they sanctioned my loan after signing the agreement. The money was already paid to value cart and my device was shipped within 2 weeks .
Now comes the customer service. This are very educated people and very polite. They always solve my query and I am very happy with that. Mostly I chat with them on their website.
My loan was sanctioned within 1 day of application submission and I just made down payment of rs 100.
My experience with zestmoney was very good and in future also I will be preferring zestmoney. And I dont know why some users are accusing. For proof I have uploaded the dashboard of my zestmoney account.