It is a story of festering revenge, done in dark shades. If in the process it has some very graphic scenes of violence and gore, it’s a demand of the story, and so justified. This is a film that deserves it’s ‘A’ certificate and really should be kept away from young children.
Sanjay Dutt is an ordinary run of the mill IT professional married to Celina Jaitly, living in Bangkok. His best friend, from school days is Mahesh Manjrekar. His life takes an abrupt about turn when he is suddenly whisked away one day and incarcerated for fourteen long years. In the interim his wife is killed and he presumed responsible.
In those 14 years he prepares himself to one day meet his adversary and settle scores with him and when he is abruptly set free one day he sets out to do just that. But first he has to find him, this becomes his only mission in life. He is helped on and off by cab driver Lara Dutta.
He finds John Abraham easily enough but then begins the game of why. This goes back to his school days when he ha played a prank on John’s elder sister which led to he intense humiliation and subsequent suicide. John has planned a unique way to wreak revenge and Sanjay has to try to stop him.
The end though is a cop out and one wishes the director had let it be as stark as the rest of the film.
The highlight of the film is the cinematography by Sanjay F Gupta, which is dark, gritty and compelling. Action scenes have been wonderfully choreographed by Tinnu Verma and ably executed by the principal actors.
Both actors, Sanjay Dutt and John Abraham are controlled and adept, though Sanjay’s is the much tougher role. Lara Dutta supports ably too. Celina Jaitly in a very short role looks good too. Mahesh Manjrekar is good.
Kudos to Sanjay Gupta who has taken inspiration from the Old Boys and then spun an interesting tale. He also resists his usual urge to overdo the technique bit.
Defiitely worth a watch for lovers of action films.