On 25 january I had ordared an sharvani from zivame. Com he told me that it divered on 28 january I waited but I did not get any product on that day I go for custumer suppor which is not professionally trained they did not listen me properly and after so much time an email came to me that delivery daye had been expanded for 29th of july and when the I dont the product I got shocket that the sharvani is of some other colour and Its quality is worst again I called Custumer Service team tgey told that it took 7 days to exchange your product but my brother wedding is going to held after 5 days so I want to refund my money they told me that 500 would be deduced from your payement I said ok but what I experience is this site is looting people why because
1.no proper custumer support
Not puntual delivery
High cost low quality product
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Overall I would never suggest about this site to anyone I an very angry for their bad bheviour and feeling like looting
Sawan molwa