Since installing ZoneAlarm I have seen how many times others have tried to access my system .... without success. ZoneAlarm is easy to install and configure and runs quietly in the background. It appears to have no compatablility problemswith anything I have thrown at it, including AOL
One of the rare free programs that has the look, feel and effectiveness of a paid-for program. Has small quirks, but overall works very well. Once it blocked my time synchronizer program from internet access, even though I had given the program permission in ZoneAlarm, which had up until this point been allowing the program access. This shut the time synchronizer down, or course. I deleted the program from ZoneAlarms program list, and when ZoneAlarm next encountered the program I gave it access again. Now it blocks the program intermittently, but lets it through often enough to keep my clock set. This is the only problem I have had with ZoneAlarm, and it is minor.
Version 2.6 is perfect for stopping port scans and probes into your computer while on the internet. I was amazed at how often my computer was getting hit while surfing. The best part is that this newest version of ZoneAlarm handled every trick they could try, from TCP Flags:S to Port 0 ICMP (type:8/subtype:0) and (type:3/subtype:1) attacks, which used to stop my proxy protected IE 5.50 browser cold. If your web browser freezes for no apparent reason, it might be your ports were attacked successfully. I would not go onto the Internet without this program!
Zonealarm Pro Version 2.6 works excellent. It blocks all netbios, etc and hacking attempts. This firewall actually tells you in real time what is going on, compared to other firewalls that you had to go into a log. No problems using this firewall. I would recommend ZoneAlarm Pro 2.6 to any person needing a firewall. It is very important that all Cable and DSL users use a firewall because your IP address usually stays the same, thus making it easier for a hacker to get access to your computer if you dont have a firewall. Believe me, my computer has been hacked, before I had a firewall of course. I strongly recommend everyone download ZONEALARM PRO 2.6. It is diffently worth the little money.
I have been forced to use a firewall because of People on IRC doing a little hacking. I previously used norton 2001 firewall and found it was hard to use and blocked me from seeing pictures and other important infromation like navigation controls. This program uses little resources and is very easy to configure with out haveing to make up complex firewall rules like others I have tried. This 1 is a winner, it has been saving my but from those unwanted hackers + crackers and also scans ports that viruses would come in on and puts u in stealth mode so when a person tries to sence ure computers weakness they dont get a responce. so it appears ure not even there this gets a Top notch rating I wish other firewalls would learn something from freeware companines. Just cause u pay for software dont mean it is going to do any better than the free 1s.