Hai Friends.
I am computer security interested student.
So I learn lots of stuff related to system and network security.
But a normal computer user doesnt have information regarding which ports are open and who are connected to your system. Anyone can break in to your system by exploiting a bug. If you keep ports open it will be much more easy for the attacker to take control of your system.
To know which ports are open and who are connected to your system.
type netstat -a -b -n in command prompt .you will be surprised to see all the info abt your open ports .
I would strongly recomend that every computer should have zonealarm installed becas its free and have many advanced features. and its very easy to use.
Use ZoneAlarm on every PC
Use ZoneAlarm on every PC
Use ZoneAlarm on every PC
Use ZoneAlarm on every PC
Use ZoneAlarm on every PC
Use ZoneAlarm on every PC
Use ZoneAlarm on every PC
Use ZoneAlarm on every PC
Use ZoneAlarm on every PC
Use ZoneAlarm on every PC