Well according to me at the beginning when I saw this app I was happy that yes now it would be very easy to go somewhere if your car is not available or you need a car urgently and your car is out for servicing.
but trust me guys this app has more cons than pros. It offers cars on rent basis. But the problem is that there are just too too many restrictions that they impose that will freak the hell out of you.
1st of all there price or the rent they offer is a bit expensive. rent is hourly basis for example if you book a car for 8 hours you will be given free petrol for only some amount of kilometers and after that you will be charged extra.
after that they pose so many other restrictions that only one person can drive untill he/she register themselves earlier before booking under add a driver tab, then you will be required to maintain seats very well, I mean its fine and its good as well to keep the seats neat and clean, even if you spoil a bit which is fine and adjusting you will be required to pay heavy fine. Plus there are so many fines for each and every things like smoking in the car, overspeeding, which are actually fine enough. but just need to drive with caution if any thing goes wrong, my dear you will be sued by the company.