Hi, I booked a Zoomcar-Audi Q3 automatic 4 DAYS in advance. Made full payment. It was meant to be as a surprise for my husband on its birthday. We had planned a 1 day trip.
The night prior I got a text talking about checklist n stuff. on the Dday I reach the site with my family in tow, completely unaware about it! The guy at site tells me "madam there was only 1 car and som guy already has taken it". Furious n disappointed I call customer care. ILL MANEGED-
LIES- the CC lady tells me there were 2 cars, one met with an accidnt in the morning! I asked howcome the site guy who manages the car didnt know about it? no answer!
FURTHER LIES- I asked dats ok. But why didnt they call me n inform about it? She said they were trying for a replacement! And would have called me back. Pls note, it was me who called them. I didnt get a single call informing me. Secondly they were not able to provide a replacement as sunday was a busy day and I had chosen a rare car! They how were they planning a replacement? No answer!
They offered me a ciaz automatic! I mean cmon guys! Do u know the difference?
They offered me a 500 credit point! As if I would even ride a zoomcar post this experience! They spoiled my families entire day and ruined the surprise! Thank you zoom car!