I have never ordered accessories or clothes or footwear from websites, because
Ive always thought there was a lot of risk involved in getting the right sizes
There might be a misrepresentation of the material involved etc and I might get something I wasnt expecting
Cash On Delivery wasnt an option before or not a popular option anyway
I was extremely sceptical about ordering something like this online, despite me ordering SD cards, mobile phones and electronic products on Flipkart, etc. So I checked out reviews of zovi.com on mouthshut and a couple of other websites and was impressed by the positive feedback. Decided to order something small to test the waters.
Ordered a leather belt for Rs.399 with a Cash on Delivery option. Received a call the very next day from the delivery guys asking me for directions to my place. Never expected such prompt delivery! The one thing I really liked was that the item was delivered by Zovis own delivery guys, like Flipkart, which is a huge plus, according to me. I opened the package, checked the quality and then paid the guy. No hassles whatsoever and super quick too. Will definitely use Zovi.com again.
Since this experience was good, Im planning to order some shoes from Jabong.com. Lets see how that goes.
Slightly disappointing that Zovis repository isnt too large. Looking forward to many more products from these guys.