It was with great expectations and hope that myself and my partner decided to pay a visit to the first disco that opened close to our home.
It was a saturday night I guess, At the outset let me forewarn everybody that we are not the party types, we can shake a leg to the music but prefer to bang our heads better .. I guess the point is made
The best part of Zwiggs is that it has a full cover system, so whatever you pay for entry is covered by your drinks and food tab (in that order as they dont have a great food menu)
The disco was empty at 11:00 PM, and we settled on a pint of lager which was to say the least expensive, and wiped out our cover charges :-)
Here is one setback I faced, many people I met there also said that they had suffered this, we ordered another round of drinks and paid by cash and the waiter mixed up our bills and over billed us , I do not know whether this is intentional or a genuine mixup .. anyways it is much better to load up on extra cash when you are paying your cover charges
Also, I do not recommend any cocktails out there as they make it too dry .. unless of course you prefer it that way
The final crib, They do not play any rock or metal, even though they are trying to change that by inviting bands to perform on off days .. I have attended three concerts in Zwiggs and have really enjoyed them .. but on a weekend, mind it ... no rock
Now for the plus points, location is too good, hiranandani is equi distant from most of the suburbs
The music system and the acoustics are too good
Ambience is comfortable without much jostling for space.
The crowd is decent and well behaved, important if you are going out with girls in your group
Overall, I rate it a decent 7 out of 10