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Member Since:Mar 14, 2016
80 MS Points
If u r gud then i m the best man alive. N if u r bad thn take my words i m ur dad.
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Reviewed Sony Cybershot DSCW830 Point & Shoot Camera
Well, I expcted a lot more from sony. My friend suggested me to buy this. Well, at first it was good and the pics were good. But as time went by the quality dRead more...
Reviewed Teraa Surroor
Before the movie was even released, I knew it will be a flop. And then after it released it turned out in that way only. Only some songs kept it alive, rest aRead more...
Can't get any better
Reviewed The Dark Knight
The only superhero movie where the villain over powered the hero in terms of strategy technique intelligence and mind games. Proved you dont need super powersRead more...
Reviewed Batman The Dark Knight Rises
One of the best movie I have seen till date. Visual delight. Acting: one of the best. Tom hardys performance: awesome. Well it was not as good as the daRead more...
Reviewed The Machinist
The movie was suggested by a friend. I was new into hollywood when I saw this movie and boy it blew me away mystry, suspense a perfect combo. Loved the movie.Read more...
Reviewed We Are Your Friends
Seeing the trailer I was excited about the movie but as it released it turned out to be a set back. Yet its not as bad as I have seen some. But its not even gRead more...
Makes you think
Reviewed Enemy
The movies gives you something to think about. The best part of the movie is you sort of think until the end that you are in it you are getting everything andRead more...
One of the best
Reviewed Orphan
You see good movies, you see better movies you dont often see best movies and then you see orphan. Best Thriller with the suspense it has just makes it somethRead more...
Reviewed The Number 23 Movie
I was sugvested this movie by a friend. The thing about the movie that caught my eyeballs was jim carrey and thriller. Perhaps jim carreys only thrillerRead more...
Reviewed 300 Movie
Action pact. Awesome Storyline. Acting splendid. Pretty much the things you would like in a movie. There you go, 300 has it all. From the acting to direction,Read more...
The masterpiece
Reviewed The Shawshank Redemption
I saw the movie in 2015 and I am a big fan of mystery movies and me calling it a masterpiece after so much of movies says it all. Being a movie of 90s and stiRead more...
Reviewed Half Girlfriend - Chetan Bhagat
The story of half girlfriend is highly fictional. One just can not relate to it. It is very unlikely in our country. Writting not so good. Same old same old wRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on mohedivya's review
Good review and i dont refer it by title too
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