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Member Since:Apr 04, 2009
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An awesome overall package
Reviewed Chevrolet Beat
Beat is an awesome machine and what makes me say that? Being my 4th car(after 800, Santro and Swift) - It is ultra-comfortable and a quite beast, ready to roRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Efficiency's review
Which car is that? Bullock Car(t) :P Jokes apart: I am not sure why you are getting so low FE where people easily get 14+ (even bad drivers driving at 30Km /hr in 2nd gear on a highway for a long time). I am getting some nice FE and I think that keeps me happy. One more thing I noticed - the a Read More...
Rated on ashutoshagr2001's review
Commented on ashutoshagr2001's review
Hahahaha! Very nice facade and funny review. Not useful but nice to read. You are made for Merc my friend. Or BMW, Audi. I hope you know about other hatchbacks and their quality too and making an Apples-to-apples comparison as only they have the king of power in 1st and 2nd gear you are asking about Read More...
Rated on carlover2010's review
Commented on carlover2010's review
After sale service will improve with time all over India. I liked the service more than what Hyundai and Maruti offer in metors (am in Hyd) and even they do it for free - I never had problems. My car is under CPCO.
Commented on own review
@Blademaster: On Hyd road which are made only for SUVs in rainy season, my Beat touches ground sometimes. Though Swift and others also do that, I think Chevy could have done better here just like Indica. It is not a very important factor to consider if you are driving in Delhi, Mumbai etc. Hyd is ba Read More...
Commented on deepanjank's review
Buddy! I understand your situation but here is another case - I got my car in 5 days with all help and accessories done by a the dealer. it is not the same dealer of course (Kun Automobiles, Hyd) but there response was great. Kudos to your fight, though...
Rated on deepanjank's review
Rated on nibiruX's review
Commented on nibiruX's review
Guys! I am dealing with Kun Hyderabad and their service is awesome. I use this word as I find Good and Great a bit demeaning for them. The car itself is a great machine and for people who do not know, GM is soon going for world's biggest IPO and they have India as the biggest strategic market so the Read More...
Buddy - get your facts right. Mileage is driver's responsibility. I get a Mileage of 15.9 in City. It is the way you drive the vehicle. Your Mileage clearly tells you are a bad driver- enhance your driving skills and see the car giving you 15+ easily. Most users I talked to told me they are getting Read More...
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