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Member Since:Mar 17, 2017
120 MS Points
i m in love with me. in soccer , snooker
About Me
Education: Studing CA
Food and Drinks: outsider food nd cokeBooks: sherlock homesMovie Stars: hritik, ven disel , salman khanMovies: fast nd furiousT.V. Shows: voot exclisive , friendsMusic: all arjit sing songsQuotes: live like a legend
Food and Drinks: outsider food nd coke
Books: sherlock homes
Movie Stars: hritik, ven disel , salman khan
Movies: fast nd furious
T.V. Shows: voot exclisive , friends
Music: all arjit sing songs
Quotes: live like a legend
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Mobile phones (BUYING TIPS)
Reviewed Tips on Buying Mobile Phone
Mobile phones are a great need for us in todays life everyone should have a phone the best phone I suggest is google phones they are the best u should bRead more...
Deogiri college
Reviewed Deogiri Institute of Engineering and Management Studies - Aurangabad
Its the best college in aurangabad. campus is bigger and all the sports are included here. Academic programs are arranged by college for students of deoRead more...
Prozone mall
Reviewed INOX: Prozone Mall - Chikalthana - Aurangabad
Inox in the Prozone mall is very costly as prices are high enough prices are around 300 to 500 as common people cant buy for watching movie. atmosphere Read more...
Jio Reliance
Reviewed Reliance Jio
Reliance jio is one of the running product now a days comparing to other.Network coverage of reliance Jio sim is nice it gives range in rural areas also but nRead more...
Mukta A2 cinemas
Reviewed Mukta A2 Cinemas: Parker Mall - Sector 62 - Kundli
Its a top most movie theater all over the screening and the casting of this movie theater is good size of screen is small comparing that of others. SounRead more...
Lenovo K3 note
Reviewed Lenovo K3 Note
Lenovo K3 note is not so good but its ohk product it sounds good due to dolby inbuilt, its good looking but so broad so I didnt like that, style and designs aRead more...
I am in love with honda activa 3g
Reviewed Honda Activa 3G
This product is marbolous a well good looking product for ever a stylish product it gives milage of 60 kmpl it ia automatic tnrasmission top speet is 82 kmph Read more...
Best smart phone
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J7 - 6 (2016 Edition)
Samsung is one of the product which can attract people by its feature and the style its price starts from low to high so the product is suitable it alsoRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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