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Member Since:Aug 09, 2021
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Makeup kit
Reviewed Maybelline New York Prom Queen Makeup Kit - 2
It as nail polish, eye liner, nail polish removr , and kit powder. And it is called a makeup kit for girls. And its from new York don not forget this chRead more...
Reviewed Colorbar Nail Enamel Remover Classic
It is a nail polish remover, I does not damage the outer skin , it is approval to all , and it could me a liquid state , and use also use it guys dont fRead more...
Nail polish
Reviewed Colorbar Nail Lacquer
It is a nail polish for girls , it has many varieties of colour and glitter and it shine and I use all the colour for me , and use also use it , its verRead more...
Lip balm
Reviewed Hydronic Lip Balm
It is lip balm , when my mouth is very dry and wet , I use it it is covering the dry and vet , it stay for 1 to 2 hours, and it is usfull and use it guys. Read more...
Reviewed Burt's Bees Natural Moisturizing Lip Shine
It is lipstick for girls, and it is very useful for me, when I put it is very shining and smmothly and I loved it, and you to try it and it is nice . Read more...
Eye decoration
Reviewed Lakme Absolute Forever Silk Eyeliner - Blacklast
It is eyeliner for girls. It package is very nice, and it nice to see , it is very dark and give attention to the eyes, it as long life , and I love it. Read more...
Jewellery shop
Reviewed GRT Jewellery - Chennai
G.R. thanga malagi popular know as grt jewellery frim based in the city of Chennai India it has a star hotel grand day in Chennai Read more...
Fun time
Reviewed Clown Town Kolkata
Clawn town is fun and peaceful place . It offered many rides game zone and other radiation of activity for the children . It is very special kids makes fun Read more...
It is good place
Reviewed Worlds of Wonder - Noida
A word class entertainment destination that compare north Indians largest amusement and water park . This place is very nice place . It is entertaining us Read more...
Fast mixer
Reviewed Wonderchef Food Processor Nutri Blend FP Compact 350W
Wonderchef is leader in cookware and kitchen appliances that enable occurs the costumers to cook healthy .taste food with convenience. Read more...
Reviewed Ramoji Film City
Ramoji flim is an integrated flim studio complex located in Hyderabad in India sperated over 1666 acrs in the largest intgrated flim Read more...
Real panda family
Reviewed Kung Fu Panda 3
In this movie the hero panda will see his real family . And also he will move to owon place where they live .and all pandas will help for fighting. Read more...
Thor and hulk
Reviewed Thor: Ragnarok
This movie is combo of hulk and thor . Thor will get knowing his real power without his hammer. The fight againt his sister at last the asgard will destroyed Read more...
Many dragons
Reviewed How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
In this movie their will be night furry and light furry that will combo and figt togther for there freedom .atlast that dragon will get feedom . Read more...
Many spider people
Reviewed Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse
In this movie in many dimention all spider man will come to a single dimention but only one hero that small boy is hero. He have many spider power compare to Read more...
Super heros in one movies
Reviewed The Avengers
Avengers is amazing movie . In yhis movie all super heroes will have super powers they will ise thier power to saving the world. The first part of avengers loRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
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