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Member Since:Dec 26, 2011
0 MS Points
About Me
Education: PG
Food and Drinks: Non VegMovie Stars: Amitabh BachanMovies: SholayT.V. Shows: ChankyaMusic: Title music of Sholay
Food and Drinks: Non Veg
Movie Stars: Amitabh Bachan
Movies: Sholay
T.V. Shows: Chankya
Music: Title music of Sholay
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100bestbuy.com is now #1cheater.com
Reviewed 100bestbuy
I have very bad experience with 100bestbuy.com. I place an order of Nazar Raksha Kwach for my father. He is very ill and is in very critical stage. The order Read more...
Sold Defective Mixer Grinder
Reviewed Jaipan Little Master Mixer
I bought Mixer Grinder based on a reviews given at jaipanonline from jaipanonline. The reviews were good. But I have very bad experience. The model I bought iRead more...
Worst Internet service provider in Patna
Reviewed Choosing a DSL Provider
I had a very bad experience with Sify Internet Connection. I got my ineternet connection after 1 month of request and after making several calls to distributoRead more...
Acer Aspire 4710 is good buy
Reviewed Acer Aspire 4710
I bought An Acer Aspire 4710 Laptop in year 2007. I am personally using his laptop since Oct 2007 and its working totally fine. At time when I bought this proRead more...
Bad and frustrating customer service
Reviewed India Plaza
I bought an Enter All in One USB card reader in November 2011. 15 days were gone but the product was not delivered to me. Then I wrote several complaints at tRead more...
HCL Service Support
Reviewed HCL Laptops
I bought a HCL laptop through HCL online store on 23 March 2011. The product was delivered on time. I was using the product with over all rating as satisfactoRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
I shall like to give thanks to Mouthshut. After posting my experience of online shopping with 100bestbuy on Mouth shut I got call from Cutomer Care of 100bestbuy. The executive offered a pen drive of 4GB instead of returning my money. I agreed, as i was in need of a pen drive. I got the courier with Read More...
Rated on alakhmani's review
Commented on mana111's review
I 100% agree with mana111. I also have very bad experience with 100bestbuy.com. I place an order of Nazar Raksha Kwach for my father. He is very ill and is in very critical stage. The order was placed on 10th Feb 2013 whose Ref No is 16055744 and Order No is 8699539. through my credit card. I waited Read More...
Rated on mana111's review
Rated on sudhakargn's review
Commented on bishwakarmma_prasa's review
Dear friend I have a completed different experince from yours. I bought a HCL laptop through HCL online store on 23 March 2011. The product was delivered on time. I was using the product with over all rating as satisfactory. In Nov 2011, I experienced some problem with the keyboard. So I booked a Read More...
Rated on bishwakarmma_prasa's review
Rated on queenofparadize's review
Commented on mskailash's review
I also have the BPL Studio Line FYR 60 YB3 since Jan 2003. I like this TV bcoz I i like all the featurs picture quality and sound quality. I has never given any trouble since I purchased.
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