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Member Since:Jan 17, 2018
60 MS Points
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Very look bike
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar NS160
Bajaj pulsar ns 160 bike is really nice vike. I buy this bike recently. Good performance and good looking of the bike is so attractive. Milage is 39 to 40 wRead more...
My excellent bike
Reviewed Honda Activa 4G 2017
The pulling power of the activate 4G is great the engine pulling power gives pickup energy. When riding of three members. Activate 4G is a fuel economy scootRead more...
Super model phone
Reviewed Motorola Moto G5S Plus
This phone are important feature of a smart phone. Camera is 13mp+ 13mp dual real camera which is quite nice in the day light. Processor of this phone is acRead more...
Redmi good
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi 5A 16GB
Redmi 5aone of the best smartphone in everyones range, it costs very few in compressions with its features. Im using the phone with my redmi it has verRead more...
Nice mobile
Reviewed Vivo Y53
Friends this mobile is good and latestversion is given. Features are good and OTG is about good same as I phone. This mobile is best suitable for camera andRead more...
Good product
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 4GB RAM
People love redmi note 4. Because of its cost& low price and its storage of 64GB octocore prossesor. It has very good quality camera and nice finger printingRead more...
Best mobile
Reviewed Xiaomi Mi A1
Phone Id completely log free and work without any issue. Phone is smaller than redmi the screen on time is nearly equal and I really love this things. Read more...
My dream mobile
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy On7 Prime 32GB
Its better mobile. High quality, camera nice. Good stylist design. Samsung handled is good performance. Perfect starter. Firstly am not like this but afterRead more...
Best samsung smart Tv
Reviewed Samsung Series-5 32F5500 LED Smart TV
Samsung is very good product in the market. This are no complaints in Samsung product. Sound also good effect then operating system Is very nice. The prodRead more...
Reviewed Whirlpool 190L Deluxe Refrigerator
Fresh squeezed juices cold as using the fridge. The fridge removable basket previous that the entry and growth are using. A capacity of 190L. Store fons of Read more...
My love tv
Reviewed LG 43LH576T Full HD Smart LED TV
LG smart TV handled are smoothly. This TV connect in internet using and Wi-Fi using are super performance. The TV comes with a smart energy saving mode. ThRead more...
Super mobile
Reviewed Oppo F5 Youth
Oppo f5 youth mobile is performance is an super handiled if the mobile. In the mobile function are specification are also good. Battery capacity if the quicRead more...
My favaroute mobile
Reviewed Vivo V7 Plus
Vivo v7+ mobile in good quality if the product. This mobile selfie movement of good picture quality. Front camera will on 24MP flexible picture. The cameraRead more...
My love mobile oppo F5
Reviewed Oppo F5 64GB
Oppo F5 mobile in good guality of product. To all performance in very good. Oppo known for its picture enchanged technological the artificial intelligence. Read more...
My dream bike
Reviewed Yamaha FZ-S FI V2.0
Yamaha FZ-S FI v 2.0 the bike for amazing pick up. Good milage in this bike in good product of yamaha. This bike in good comfort in seat capasity of in longRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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