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Member Since:Apr 03, 2017
640 MS Points
my name is Shubham Bansal I live in Haryana I m very powerful and well qualified person my hobby is sword fighting I want to serve my country in my own way
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Wastage of time and money.
Reviewed Placeoforigin
Hey guys , today we will discuss about place of origin website guys this website is totally fake and bad website. Its customer service is not good. They do noRead more...
Wastage of time.
Reviewed Ghanta Khanek Sange Suman
Hello friends today I will tell you about ghantakhanek serial very boring serial. Guys this serial is not so good. I watched four episodes of this serial and Read more...
Not so good wastage of money and time.
Reviewed Spice Stellar 517
Hey guys , this is shubham and today I will tell you about Spice stellar 517 cell phone. Friends this cell is not so good. This mobile starts hang when we runRead more...
Average product.
Reviewed eZONE Security Systems
E zone security system is one of the security system which is launched recently in the market. But this is not good security system. This security aystem is vRead more...
Superb , best perfume.
Reviewed Fogg Imperial Deodorant Spray
Hey guys today I will tell you about fogg imperial deodrant perfume. Guys this perfume is best perfume and gives good smell. When I spray it on my body it mekRead more...
Not good very bad and too boring serial.
Reviewed Stree Zee Bangla
Hello friends. I am shubham am today I will tell you about stree zee bangla tv serial. Friends this is so boring serial. The actor and actreess do not performRead more...
Not so good and too expensive.
Reviewed Panasonic Kx Mb2130 Multi Function Printer
Hey guys today I am going to tell you about Panasonic kx Mb 2130 multi function printer. Friends this printer is ok ok. But it has less advantage and more disRead more...
So boring game wastage of time.
Reviewed Super Mario Run
Hey guys this is shubham and today I will tell you about super mario game. Guys this game is so boring and consumes a high amount of mobile battery. This is nRead more...
Not good wastage of money
Reviewed Lava A79
Hey guys I am shubham and I am going to tell you about lava A79 guys do not purchase this. This is not good product. Its sound reception is very low quality. Read more...
Too expensive all products and not so good websit
Reviewed Kitchenempire
Hey, guys today I am going to tell you about kitchenempire.in website. Friends this website is not good. This website does not provide good services ro the cuRead more...
Not good below average and wastage of money.
Reviewed Thegiftipedia
Hey guys I am shubham and going to tell you about the online store website thegiftipedia.com this is not good website. The products on this website is too expRead more...
Boring game and consumes high mobile battery
Reviewed Doodle Army 2 : Mini Militia
Hello friends this is shubham and I want to give you a short description on mini militia. Guys this is very boring game and it consumes a lot of mobile batterRead more...
Totally fake app wastage of time.
Reviewed Earn Money - Video &s
Hey friends, this is shubham and I am going to tell you about earn money video and app the fake app guys dont install this app it will damage you and waste yoRead more...
World best online pool game
Reviewed 8 Ball Pool
Guys this game is best game I am playing this game from 1 year. This game is best game when sometimes you feel boring it will make you cool and refreshing. ThRead more...
Make your life comfortabke and safe.
Reviewed Punjab National Bank
Punjab national bank is best bank. They help their customers in everything.the staff of punjab national bank is very good all staff members of punjab nationalRead more...
Awesome perfume
Reviewed Fogg Deodorant
This is nice prefume. The smell of the fogg deodorant is very nice and fresh the design of the bottole is very best it has shiny and smooth surface which makeRead more...
Best , awesome , reliable product
Reviewed Voltas Split AC 1.5 Ton
Guys this air conditioner is best product . this ac gives good cooling this product is very reliable. I purchase this air conditioner two years ago but there Read more...
Nice laptop
Reviewed Lenovo Ideapad Z510
Friends this laptop is best laptop lenovo laptop is free from hanging problem this laptop is royal laptop this laptop has many awesome features this laptop isRead more...
World best laptop.
Reviewed HP Pavilion 15-AU620TX Notebook
Hello friends I am shubham and I am going to tell you about hp pavillion 15 laptop the gadar laptop friends firstly this laptop is free from hanging problem aRead more...
Amazing , superbb , fantastic car
Reviewed Audi Q3 2017
Hey guys this is shubham and I am going to tell you about audi the most branded , luxury and royal car in the world this car has shiny sutface and good appearRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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