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Member Since:Oct 10, 2018
0 MS Points
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They will use your money and throw you away
Reviewed Peram Group - Hyderabad
Hello Guys you see Peram marketing guys everywhere in prime places and knock your doors to cheat you. I booked a open plot in Magnum Opus Hyderabad in the moRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Rated on ramanakumarrk28's review
Commented on ramanakumarrk28's review
This comment looks to be by their employee.
Commented on rmokshit5's review
They will start marketing the plots, even before making agreements from Land owners. They hype and start selling.
Rated on rmokshit5's review
Rated on shivenath33's review
Commented on own review
They returned money, but our money is blocked for 5 months. But marketing guys and company would have made more money during that upward curve of market.
Commented on ramkri's review
Same content posted by same guy. It is fake. Seems internal employees review.
Commented on suresh102's review
On this planet who promises for 10 years. It is fake.
Commented on chbalakrishna's review
They will never respond. They published a number which never works.
Commented on chinnavemuluri's review
Can you please let me know their customer service contacts?
Rated on chanuradha's review
Commented on chvasu037's review
Can you please give Karuna contact?
Commented on ganeshswarnapudi4's review
Is your or your friends experience? Can you give more details of price and contract?
Rated on sampangiharis's review
Commented on neha102's review
I had worst experience with them. Please don't go with Peram group.
Commented on tallurisrinu220's review
They are worst developers. It looks like reviewed by internals of Company.
Commented on anuradhaaa's review
Can you please give more details of phone number to contact. Their customer service is not working.
Rated on kjmuhammedaslam007's review
Commented on syam21247's review
Details are missing in this review. It looks like reviewed by internls of Company.
Rated on Charish's review
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