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Uttar Pradesh
Member Since:Aug 25, 2016
1900 MS Points
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Wasteful(Faltu) app
Reviewed Google Play Games
Google play game is a wasteful app from google .there is no use of this app.no person use this app .it is totally wasteful app .i thought it recover the recorRead more...
Worst music app
Reviewed JioMusic
Jio music app is a worst app I had ever used it does not have all the song .when ever I search any song old as well as new songs it does not have .which frastRead more...
Bad service
Reviewed Snapdeal
I had order recently a pair of earphone from snapdeal at 400 rupess .first they delivered the product very late .and second When I open the box I got only onRead more...
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro
This time samsung launches a new series C .they may be closed thier A series that why they luanches a new series c .becuase after A9 they do not launches any Read more...
Not a good app for e-wallet
Reviewed JioMoney
Jio money is a app for e- wallet from the maker of relaince jio company .there thinking was good to provide custamer a caseless transcastion but it did not coRead more...
Reviewed Movietime: Omaxe NRI City Centre Mall - Omega 2 - Greater Noida
My expreince in movietime cinema was not good at all . I booked 8 ticket for a movie deadpool .they have a offer , a coke and small size popcorn free with a Read more...
Reviewed LeEco Le 2 Pro
Leeco company creates a good market in india by launching good phones at less price .thier first phone does not got that much sales but le 2 got good responseRead more...
Worst app for news
Reviewed Dailyhunt
Daily hunt can be downloaded free from play store .it is a news apps which is basically for indian people because news are available in many language like hinRead more...
Less features at this range.
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J2
Samsung is big brand in india .most of the people of the india buy samsung phone because of thier name and service .but competition becomes very hard after soRead more...
Bad product
Reviewed Fair & Lovely Cream
I used the fair and lovely cream for a few months .but this cream does not effect my skin colour .my skin have many dark spot so I brought this cream because Read more...
Best football game
Reviewed Score! Hero
I recently downloaded this game few months ago . Before this game I had played lots of football game in abdroid but none of the games are not so exciting theRead more...
Takes time to update the news.
Reviewed JioNews
Jio launched numbers of apps for those who have jio sim .these apps only applicable for jio customers but after some time it is available for all the custamerRead more...
Reviewed Garnier Men Oil Clear Deep Cleansing Face Wash
I have been using the garnier face wash for very long time .i had used most of the garnier face wash but I got no banifit by using these product.they all are Read more...
High pricing but less features
Reviewed Royal Enfield Bullet Classic 500
Royal enfield 500 cc comes with one unique colour which is very famous military colour but most of the peoples dont buy this colour because it is expensRead more...
Boring movies
Reviewed Jolly LLB 2
Jolly LLB 1st was a great movies by arshab varshi .his acting in jolly llb was too good.thats why movie gots lots of awards .not only arshad varshi but all thRead more...
High pricing
Reviewed OnePlus 2
One plus one which was the first phone from the one plus company .this phone breaks the records .and made his own image in the phone industry .one plus one waRead more...
Good app for you tube downloading
Reviewed VidMate
Vidmate is app for downloading you tube vidoes .this app is not available in play store so you have to download from 3rd party like 9apps .it is very useful aRead more...
Not comfortable
Reviewed Yamaha R15 2.0
I have recently purchase yamaha r15 2.0 blue colored .it is new special edition from yamaha .in which only liminted coloured are available like cyan , blue , Read more...
Not healthy
Reviewed Maggi
In india maggi noodles are very famous .maggi is eaten all over the india from children to older person because it is very tasty and it takes only two minutesRead more...
Not a great app
Reviewed Google Play Music
Google play music is most downloaded app in the android app store .because most of the phone given this app inbuilt due to this its downloaded number is so hiRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Swapnil Shinde (@Lodha_GroupMouthShut Verified Member)
monkbychoice (@monkbychoiceMouthShut Verified Member)
Parag Bawangade (@aditibawangade111MouthShut Verified Member)
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Nikhil Jaglan (@nikhiljaglan275MouthShut Verified Member)
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