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Member Since:Apr 07, 2001
0 MS Points
. Music of all sorts - metal, rock, jazz, blues, country and classical. Beer, Partying, Singing, Playin classical violin and sketchin. I do pencil, charcoal, pastel and crayon sketchin. 'm into guitar now for the past 3 months. You can call me a Jack of all, Master of none ;-)
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Statutory Warning -Carbonated Drinks are injuriou
Reviewed Are Soft Drinks Healthy
Soft drinks. yuck! Be it Sprite, Coke, Pepsi, or any bla bla, all these soft drinks contain nothing but high calorific sugar mixed in carbonated, flavoured Read more...
Asoka, the great warrior... oops, the great lover
Reviewed Asoka
That will be confusion you will have about Asoka, once you have been to this movie. Unlearn all your historical knowledge about Asoka and then go for this mRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on DiFranco01's review
Commented on DiFranco01's review
DiFranco, you seem to be pretty health consious, thats good. if you aren't of the legal age to have beer, why do you wanna go for soda?? instead you can try out non alcoholic malt beer (bavaria makes one). they taste same as regular beer, and are good for health too.
Commented on own review
guys, thanks for the encouragement. 'm hopin to do better in my forthcoming reviews.
Rated on reviewer's review
Commented on reviewer's review
that was an exhaustive one - from eating joints to pubs to rock shows ... hey guy, talkin about rock shows, do ya know that roger waters, neil diamond, elton john,rolling stones and a couple of more guys are out here next year? thats gonna be somethin awesome.
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