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Member Since:Mar 30, 2017
100 MS Points
me a normal boy. this is my professional to income money through online
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Most dangerous application for Android
Reviewed Clean Master
This is the most worse full application for Android. Android phone have capabilities to keep it clean and regenerate its process. All times it stops all applRead more...
Wonderful application for creative people
Reviewed KineMaster
This is the perfect software for those ploples who cant use advance sotfware properly. It has wonderful concept and you can Apply probably all types ofRead more...
Airtel on the air
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
This is the worst network whatever I seen upto today. If any natural climate disterbances occurs like normal hazy cloud, then ypu cant find any network Read more...
Reviewed Reliance Jio
Yes! JIO IS THE MOST POPULAR NETWORK IN INDIA TODAY. But, is you happy with their network connection in every areas? I sure! Most of people would tell no! SORead more...
Brother and sister ka Bandhan
Reviewed Rakhi Bandhan
Why other dont like this serial? But I dont know why they showing their anger? But accroding to me this serial is very good to any one.! Specially to aRead more...
Beach Buggy Blitz the player's joy
Reviewed Beach Buggy Blitz
The concept of this game is much better than previous game of this developers. The layout if this game is Easyest way to easyest ones. Design is the main attRead more...
Best printer ever
Reviewed HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2135 All in One Printer
This is the best printer ever I have bought. Its paper input tray has the best function to enter papets into the roller. Its power consumptions are very low.Read more...
Not suitable apps
Reviewed Hotstar
Though Hotstar is famous in the market but it is very unpleasant to me. As, it consumed most data, it some times shows that server error! , Some times it showRead more...
Best mobile of Lenovo in 3gb RAM
Reviewed Lenovo K6 Power 3GB RAM
This is the best mobile of the brand Lenovo. I have bought about 3 weaks ago. It has maximum battery backup capacity. Its interfaces are very strong than otheRead more...
Amazing game
Reviewed Doodle Army 2 : Mini Militia
This is amazing mobole game to me, as ti has the best controls in all around games. I have played so many time this game. So it is beautiful. Thank you to itRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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