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Member Since:Jan 14, 2017
160 MS Points
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Jio relience
Reviewed Reliance Jio
Jio is one of the most trending topic present time. and its network coverage is so spread . but I live in ghazipur u.p.. I live in a from 25 km from ghazipur Read more...
Nice phone
Reviewed Lenovo Zuk Z1
I use this phone last two month ands my experince with that it is best phone to use any work faster. this phone phone capacity is 64 gb . this phone has all fRead more...
Nice action movie
Reviewed Commando 2
I saw this movie yesterday.this movie full of action . this movie is all about to black money this hide from her own country to another country . all the castRead more...
Nice movie
Reviewed Jolly LLB 2
This movie based on what is condition of justice in our country. this movie start from a small lawyer who wants to make his own chamber . so he need money forRead more...
Nice and interesting movie
Reviewed Kung Fu Yoga
I saw this movie tommorow it full of drama and chines action film. jackee chain is most in this movie. disha is work well in this movie. this movie based of oRead more...
Nice look smarth phone samsung Galaxy j7 prime
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime
Hi frind I used this phone for last two months its work better . its sound is very good . and it is very easy to use. it is very light phone and looks is veryRead more...
Kaabil movie full of romance drama and action.
Reviewed Kaabil
This movie start from two beautiful blind couple yami and hiritik they meet first time in resturent they fell in love. after that they live in relationship anRead more...
Raees the movie based on real story from gujrat .
Reviewed Raees
This movie based on real story don adul of gujrat in 1980-1990 .  raees comes from a middle family. but he is brave and clever since his childhood. so he attaRead more...
Samsung Galaxy J2 is very good modern type phone.
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J2
This phone has soft and beautiful sound Reception. this phone is very easy to use that anyone can use easily. the style and designe of this phone is very attrRead more...
Samsung Galaxy j2 is modern type smarthphone .
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J2 - 6 (2016 Edition)
This phone have full with many modern type function. its looks is very attractive to see. sound of this phone is very soft and beautiful . its has 8GBÂ Â internRead more...
Ok janu beautiful romantiful movie
Reviewed Ok Jaanu
This movies is sorrounding between two chacater aditya and shradha .this movie have some attractive and beautiful comment and dialouge.  humma song with fine Read more...
Bajaj pulsar 150 DTSi is powerful racing bike
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 150 DTSi
Bajaj pulsar 150 is powerful racing bike I also used this for last few months its very comfortable in any type of road. its jumpimg is so good. and speed is vRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Tarak Karmakar (@tarakkarmakar1434MouthShut Verified Member)
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Aakash Z (@aakashaa748MouthShut Verified Member)
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Nitin Sharma (@nits687MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ranjit Jana (@ranjitjana111MouthShut Verified Member)
Shivam Shanked Mishra (@ssm3785MouthShut Verified Member)
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Nishansandhu Jatt (@nishansandhujatt1MouthShut Verified Member)
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Dp1650 Ravi (@DP1650MouthShut Verified Member)
Mani Nirankari (@maninirankari1515MouthShut Verified Member)
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Mahipal Reddy (@maaheapaalMouthShut Verified Member)
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Aryan choudhary (@premchoudhary22345MouthShut Verified Member)
monkbychoice (@monkbychoiceMouthShut Verified Member)
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TalentSprint Private Limited (@TalentSprintMouthShut Verified Member)
Aakriti Thakur (@HealthiansMouthShut Verified Member)
Ramesh Panduranga (@rameshpanduranga98MouthShut Verified Member)
Sukhwant Dhariwal (@as1922MouthShut Verified Member)
Ghulam Rasool (@gr8570588MouthShut Verified Member)
Manoj Shah (@manojsshahMouthShut Verified Member)
Aneet Singh (@aneet4743MouthShut Verified Member)
Dr Maan Physiocare (@drmaanphysiocareMouthShut Verified Member)
Rajesh Puri (@EduPristine_CareMouthShut Verified Member)
ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
Hari Prasad (@rachahariprasad144MouthShut Verified Member)
Fizza Khan (@favvxnvdhznsjhs12MouthShut Verified Member)
Akashaditya Lama (@akashadityalamaMouthShut Verified Member)
Rajat Khandelwal (@rajatgupta59MouthShut Verified Member)
mahra17 Shaikh (@mahra17MouthShut Verified Member)
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Nolan (@NolanIscoMouthShut Verified Member)
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