About me
I am very straight forward and love to be in company of honest peoples and i always believe that with hardwork and determination every thing can be achieved.
though i never believe in Fate as it is we who create it ,
i believe religion to be the driving force which gives energy for working hard and to be in good conduct and cleanliness, of ones soul and body.
I am a very extrovert person and hate lairs or hypocrites and i love to be what i am.Love peace and Faith i always desire and i thank Allah for everything he has given me..
My very brief introduction though my parents from north India and i had been born and brought up in Mumbai.
By the grace of GOd i started a small bussiness with my college freinds and it boomed and flourished MashaAllah... i became more knowledgeble and matured but due to some reasons i had to forfeit the bussiness as there was only money and no truth and After completing my bachelors in information technology & management i joined a Dot com and life goes on...
If all the universe was created by powerful human with no hearts there wouldnt have been any space for good men..
Why discriminate?
“O You who believe! Indeed We have created you from a single male and female and We have made you into nations and tribes so that you know each other, Verily the noblest among you in the sight of God is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold God is all knowing, all aware.” 49:13
My life
Being youngest in family i was pampered a lotz but now i have to stand my responsibilities ..
My family is repected and very religous though i believe in moderate values but i am too very Close to The ONE
Scared of :- hate,Sins,Trouble, mischief, problem, crisis, dilemma, disaster, catastrophes, tragedy, calamity, disaster, failure...
Strive for:- Peace,Love,Prosper...
Always Save :-
ungles,wild animals,
Say no to:- drugs,alcohol,smoke,
sound,air,and water pollution.
Love :-
humanity,neighbour,and country.
belief :-
In God and his Prophets
Stay away from:-
devil,devilish thought,devilish deeds, devilish and any thing that sounds devilish.
Cleanliness</b. Mmm..........
nature and its beauties like...
sea, hills, mountains, winds, sunshine,
sunset, waterfall, snowfall, trees their leaves..... seawaves, rivers...streams, Lake,rain, cloulds,
stars, moon...
Birds and thier flight ... animals....
their way of caring each other... kittens, puppies .....
small angels like babies....love