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Member Since:Jan 26, 2012
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Manjeera Constructions going good and quick
Reviewed Manjeera Constructions - Hyderabad
We bought a flat In Manjeera Diamond towers in 2010, earlier we bought a flat in Manjeera heights as well which is paying us good returns, and we are satisfieRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on Next_Gen's review
Commented on Next_Gen's review
Will you please mention your name and details sir, Because I have also bought a flat in manjeera may be I know you !
Commented on juggernaut2209's review
Fairly said Sir, Thank you
Rated on juggernaut2209's review
Rated on G_Amit's review
Commented on Radhika_gupta's review
sudarshangt you forgot this guy, and get ready your inbox will be spammed again with the posts of anti Manjeera, and do not wonder even if they call you agent of Manjeera. if you bought flat in Manjeera then that is enough to call you with different names. The other day one of my friends was sayin Read More...
Rated on Radhika_gupta's review
Commented on ManjeeraShameOnU's review
@sudarshangt i am not and I need not prove, I own a flat in Manjeera, and am sure you are the agent of one of the competitors of Manjeera that's the reason you are pointing out at me. @User_sh999 any one with brains can understand who is fake and really writing crap here. what do you think you can Read More...
Rated on Anand_reddy's review
Rated on sridharchitturu's review
Commented on own review
If I was the loyalist of manjeera I would have praised them to the heaven, Did I do it anywhere, I just tried to furnish the details, Is it not true manjeera is 25 year old construction company? Did I say anything wrong by quoting “get it verified from the people of manjeera be it staff or residents Read More...
Well, ''ilovemanjeera'' request you keep your writings in control and for god sake do not post junk and it seems your nature is to blame someone all the time, DO YOU KNOW I AM NON RESIDENT OF MANJEERA CONSTRUCTIONS, kindly read my review again, and yeah I totally agree with you, people are not ignor Read More...
Commented on roykalyan1's review
Point No 2: The executives of manjeera have shown us the proofs that most of the negative reviews[80%] are from same Ip address and same system, which shows this is deliberately done by a useless fellow who’s deeds are costing us time and increase negative publicity which would eventually effect buy Read More...
We bought a flat In Manjeera Diamond towers in 2010, earlier we bought a flat in Manjeera heights as well which is paying us good returns, and we are satisfied customers of Manjeera constructions. After seeing all the negative comments and posts in Mouthshut we personally visited Manjeera site, t Read More...
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