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Member Since:Jun 05, 2012
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Beware, Nexg is a Money Fleecing Company
Reviewed Nex-G Exuberant Solutions Pvt Ltd
After reading the online comments, I could not resist but write the duress and agony caused by NexG to someone close to me. They Fleece money like crooked ageRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on umairsheikh's review
Vishal, your background and education is reflecting in your words. Looks like you lost self respect after all. NexG has trained you pretty well.
Rated on oompaloompa's review
Rated on pepperoni's review
Lavyshankar it is hard for me to believe you guys is infact because you do not wish to budge or even help any one or more aggrieved students after repeated compaints and here you say that you people let off a guy who used to objectify women without stern punishment. I would love to see a news report Read More...
I dont understand how irresponsible a CEO can be that he lets a bunch of kids run his company who dont even know what can be the implications of their actions.
Sheethal and Sadhana, i am no one's counsel but you must realize that each and every comment which you make is being documented and if tommorow umair shiekh brings in a lawsuit against you all for malingning his brother's image in public then your concern and you all will have to produce the show ca Read More...
NexG being a private limited company operating in public domain is going to get positive and negative remarks from its customers. What is surprising is that every single man, woman and child who belongs to this company/institute is not ready to face critism. Staff of the company is going an extra mi Read More...
Vishal these comments are highly objectionable. Anyone and everyone reading them would fear to enter NexG as one does not know how at all you could mark his character with red ink. ''Watching Porn'' at workplace is a serious offence and believe me no one with such a background would ask his brother Read More...
Pawan you did not ask the guy what his problem was, forget about coming forward to help, instead you pounced on a helpless guy in a vulnerable state. Look for yourself, how you people handle negative feedback. This is what i told Shetha, that putting a process to place and running it efficiently in Read More...
Rated on umairsheikh's review
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