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Member Since:Oct 10, 2004
0 MS Points
I play bass guitar in a folk/punk band, also called Steerpyke and have an avid interest in ancient and medieval history. I read a lot and spend a fair bit of time writing reviews for a number of consumer sites. Im interested in Music, History, Books and Movies and most of my reviews will be in those categories.
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Education: College
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Like comedy only without the humour
Reviewed Meet The Parents
Recently I found myself in a cultural wasteland of a place with time to kill. I was stuck for an evening at a friends house who didnt read, had little iRead more...
Make your teeth go ''green''
Reviewed Colgate Herbal Toothpaste
Obviously the title of this review is in no way suggesting that it makes your teeth go green in colour, I refer of course to a product that gives your teeth aRead more...
Home is where the heart lies
Reviewed Cold Mountain
Cold Mountain opens like an epic should, big and dramatic. Its the closing overs of the American Civil War, the south have all but lost and a young soldier caRead more...
Reviewed Finding Neverland
As is often the case with famous authors, many people will be familiar with their literary output but know very little about their creator. Finding Neverland Read more...
There are no bad words, only bad deeds
Reviewed Quills
Tackling a portrayal of the life of someone as controversial as the Marquis de Sade was always going to be a difficult task for writer Doug Wright, but that iRead more...
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Reviewed The Last Samurai
Nathan Algren is a broken man. Tom Cruise portrays this ex army captain who has been reduced to promoting the latest models from Winchester rifles in a carnivRead more...
Oh Draconian Devil, O Lame Saint
Reviewed The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
I must confess that I had actively avoided reading Dan Browns thriller The Da Vinci code for a long time, the thought of a populist writer weaving a novel outRead more...
Conan:The Next generation
Reviewed The Scorpion King
In the same way that the Conan movies are set in a fantasy parallel of ancient europe, The Scorpion King is set in a similar middle eastern setting. Once you Read more...
The Starman and the Spiders
Reviewed The Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie
Its been said that if the Beatles St Pepper album was the culmination of the 60s musically, then David Bowies Ziggy Stardust was the equivilant for the 70s, aRead more...
Mel in ''Rambo vs the Redcoats''
Reviewed The Patriot
The Patriot, like Mels earlier film Braveheart, has the potential to be a very good film, and in many ways it is. What lets both these films down is the fact Read more...
A book for all seasons
Reviewed Lord of the Rings, The - J.R.R. Tolkien
Probably the most talked about tale of the moment is Tolkiens Lord of the Rings, having been released as three films, to match the trilogy of books that makesRead more...
Hey Jude, you didnt bring me down.
Reviewed Enemy at the Gates
Whilst masses of films have been churned out about the European campaigns of the Second World War, there have been few films set on the Russian front. We all Read more...
Hollywood vs History
Reviewed BraveHeart
Those of you who read my last op, Mel Gibsons The Patriot, will probably have a fair idea of what I like and what I dislike about this movie as well. First a Read more...
Whats a little murder between friends?
Reviewed Shallow Grave Movie
So heres the deal. A stranger, who appears to have no local connections dies whilst renting your spare room, leaving you a suit case full of money. TherRead more...
Guns dont kill people, people kill people.
Reviewed Bowling For Columbine
Michael Moore has a way of presenting the facts in such a way that he doesn`t have to force the point home, he lets the audience draw the conclusion he wants Read more...
Tolkien, a hard hobbit to break?
Reviewed Hobbit, The - J.R.R. Tolkien
In these days when Lord of the Rings has become a household name, many people will be turning to Tolkiens previous book to continue the adventure. Because of Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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