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Member Since:Mar 03, 2013
9 MS Points
I am not a hero for anyone, also not zero for anyone too ??????????????????????
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Awesome again from the good brand
Reviewed Reliance JioFi
see this is not im copying some where, not a unexperienced review etc.. i am experiencing tuis product even now too for writing this review. You wont believeRead more...
I felt happy for this one when its in my hand
Reviewed Apple iPhone 6S Plus
Its one of the gud phone which I have used. Many times I have come across many phones this satisfied me interms of the following. Bigger screen, wider view, Read more...
Its not that much expected
Reviewed Letv Le Max Pro
Thia mobile biught by my friend and he is a good mobile uaer and keep in changing the mobile, he us usung this letv yahh uts so like big tv but the wirst partRead more...
Is this gud one to go for this range?
Reviewed Huawei Honor 7
I have plan of buying the honor mobile, it has all the features, eventhough u have some confusions to go to tjis mobile and most of the time products like thiRead more...
Power N95
Reviewed Nokia N95 8GB
Its really a super mibile which has a hret features I have ise this mobile about 4 years an tje money which I spent to buy this mobile even a single rupee is Read more...
In this series tablet is gud
Reviewed Ambrane A55
I am using this ambrane tablet in this series tablet is gud, but it has poor battery backup they need to conventrate on their battery side. and the clarity ofRead more...
Reviewed Videocon 290L Multi Refrigerator
I just heard this model is gud and looking for the real one at my home and I ve an another choice also thatbis whirlpool which is higher rating than this itsRead more...
Good TV for the one Who likes only the TV :)
Reviewed Vu 40D6575 102 cm (40) LED TV (Full HD)
In old days TV was actually to entertain in such a way seeing the moves and songs. now it is using as smart this and that, but most of the time it is not usinRead more...
Mobile is gud but not up to the level
Reviewed Xiaomi Mi 4i
It drains the batterry immediately:( gud camera clairty, gud display clarity, front camera is awesome and rare cam is aaaaawesome but its strucking to use witRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on purohitrahul101's review
Followed mu301201 , kaustubhmishra1008 , luckyaggarwal889 , binayghosh027 , hemant3701
Rated on nagpalvasu96's review
Rated on ankitgs123's review
Commented on ankitgs123's review
Ha ha ha Yahhh Yahhh ur right it's not that much expected and waste of money
Rated on sksajid's review
Commented on nupur007's review
Gud to forward
Rated on nupur007's review
Commented on mintoroyal007's review
its a gud mobile i dont think so u can use the camera for the imo app
Rated on mintoroyal007's review
Commented on barot_mitesh's article
Hanging issue. i could face more hanging issue in the phone and got some infor also that the ios can suport till 9 only :( it s really a bad news for the middle class userss :(
IPhone 4S
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