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Member Since:Jun 20, 2017
540 MS Points
I am worker at pvt ltd company in belgaum completed my health inspector diploma in bims belgaum. residing at kangrali kh belgaum
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Best for railway travel
Reviewed IRCTC Rail Connect
I this is sunil I am gonna tell u about irctc app and my experience with it if I want to travell by train I prefer irctc rail connect rather than other servicRead more...
Bad tv series savdhan india
Reviewed Savdhaan India
Its very bad tv series savdhan india I am going to tell about. They show only crime related storys which can cause bad impact on viewers more than good. CrimeRead more...
No need to go big bazar there is nothing here
Reviewed Big Bazaar - Khanapur Road - Belgaum
I am telling u this because we have only one bigbazar in belgaum, in anagol road i am regular visiter of this mall. But now I am stopped there is no use here Read more...
Worst news channel
Reviewed TV 9 Kannada
Hi this news channel is very good in the begining days very good news elements and very nice concepts but nowdays this channel is working only for trp I thinkRead more...
Good cinema hall
Reviewed BIG Cinemas - Belgaum
Hi hello everyone I am here to share my experience with big cinemas Belgaum. The multiplex has two screens. They have the good sitting facility and very nice Read more...
Ramanath swamy temple
Reviewed Ramanathaswamy Temple - Rameshwaram
This is a temple were lord rama conducted shiva puja. The great epic history of lord rama, ramayana ends here after a cruel battle bitween lord rama and ravanRead more...
Best oneline shoping network
Reviewed Flipkart
I was using all online network for my shoping all the time but have to tell u people about flipkart recently I brought my new cellphone coolpad mega 3 moondusRead more...
Airtel 4g ltes speed is than enough
Reviewed Airtel 4G LTE
Hi hello welcome friends this reviewe about airtel I am writing for u I am user of airtel since nine years now. In the starting days I used to recharge 255 ruRead more...
Parle g junior g
Reviewed Parle G Biscuits
Hi freinds this is sunil I am writing this reveiwe about parle h biacuits one of my favoirite biscuits at my childhood the biscuit is very nice at that time nRead more...
Dj is wast of time and waste of money
Reviewed Duvvada Jagannadham
Today I have watched duvvada jagannada movie its very sad to tell you people that the movie is waste of money and waste of time not allu arjun type movie. TheRead more...
Mouthshut a new platform of your online earning
Reviewed Mouthshut
Hey friends this rewieve I am writing about mouthshut.com is very honest because I am using this since a weak now. I have got 380 ms points till now my I wrotRead more...
Go cash go ibibo.com
Reviewed Goibibo
Go ibibo is good travel agent and service provider this site gives u lot of benifits and offers they have flite, bus, trail, hotels, travels, tour packeges anRead more...
A good pvt sector bank to bank upon
Reviewed Federal Bank
I am glad I am writing reveivs about federal bank I am account holder of this bank with account no., 15300100061669, they r very convinient to bank upon. I haRead more...
Love music love gaana
Reviewed Gaana
This is good platform to analyse gaana.com there is one thing I should confirm u this is good app for music lovers. It has wide range of album and artsist allRead more...
The viral fever videos r entairtaining
Reviewed TVFPlay
The tvf has its own fan fallowing, trending, they r good entairtainer. I was feeling exited to write about it I was most liked the tvfs trippling sesean one oRead more...
Average soap dettol
Reviewed Dettol Soap
I am gona tell u about dettol soap the soap has wide market u all know it has a soaps with different category like , Dettol original Dettol gold Dettol skiRead more...
Mantri square is good place to shop ,entairtainme
Reviewed Upsouth - Mantri Square - Malleshwaram - Bangalore
Mantri square malleswaram banglore has good potential to one of the great places in banglore has all brand showrooms, for shop and has kfc dominos robin baskiRead more...
K P N Multiaxel is best service
Reviewed KPN Travels India - Bangalore
I have travelled with k p n travels from rameswaram to banglore mondey it is a great journey I can tell this bus is a full ac coach and not felt like travelliRead more...
Harish is good but not what expected
Reviewed Hotel Harish - East Bazaar Street - Rameshwaram
Hotel harish is located near rameswaram this is nice ac hotel but.they r not up to that mark I am expected there is no convience in hotel room, ac is working Read more...
Good to make chapathis
Reviewed Aashirvaad Atta
Ashirvad wheat flour is good.i will use regularly this product , nice chapathis and tasty , the wheat flor they make is pure and with good processing. Its priRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Because they have to improve there atm and other facilys bro
Rated on souravghoshbkp's review
Followed mohitvashist54
Followed abidali176
Realy getting sir, need to fake go through and u will 100% credited
Followed yashtripathi , balaganesh984 , pareekmukul215
Commented on ramanraghav009009's review
They will pay u once process is over. Dont get disspointed bro
Rated on ramanraghav009009's review
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