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Member Since:Nov 08, 2008
0 MS Points
Entrepreneur trying to promote the folk and tribal handicrafts artists from all over India. Like to investigate just about anything. DIY projects are my forte. Like to do research on varied subjects and form conclusions (just for the heck of it !). Music, Fine Arts , Painting , Sketching , Reading peoples' minds , finding forever the ''deeper'' truth of life !!
About Me
Education: Btech , Biotechnology
Food and Drinks: Fried Prawns and Wine !!Movie Stars: Al Pacino , Antonio Banderas , Sly , Harrison FordMovies: Blade Runner , Big Lebowski , One flew over the Cuckoos NestT.V. Shows: Twilight ZoneMusic: Floyd , Radiohead , Alternative Rock (Oasis etc)Quotes: Reality is in our mind and the facts are actually figments of our collective imagination !
Food and Drinks: Fried Prawns and Wine !!
Movie Stars: Al Pacino , Antonio Banderas , Sly , Harrison Ford
Movies: Blade Runner , Big Lebowski , One flew over the Cuckoos Nest
T.V. Shows: Twilight Zone
Music: Floyd , Radiohead , Alternative Rock (Oasis etc)
Quotes: Reality is in our mind and the facts are actually figments of our collective imagination !
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Super Hero Sarcasm
Reviewed Watchmen
Superheroes become a marginalized minority in this satirical take on the concept of super beings. Based on the comic strip by the same name, the movie is a trRead more...
The Allure of Overwhelming Options
Reviewed HTC Dream G1
What is your expectation from your cell phone? Lets name a few.calls, SMS, Camera, Bluetooth, WiFi, Edge, GPRS, FM Radio, MP3 Ringtone.rataratarata .( this isRead more...
Can half sleeves be rolled up ?
Reviewed Ghajini (2008)
If I ever met the director of this movie - I would ask - How can you roll up half sleeved shirts? Another question that needs to be asked is, how in gods namRead more...
Tricky tricky traitor !
Reviewed Traitor
The recent spate of spy movies was getting a little repetitive if you ask me. So I decided to watch Traitor expecting that it will be another round of hideoutRead more...
Liam Neeson takes it all !
Reviewed Taken
There are a few people in this world who can get pissed off and then cause a carnage single handedly. Liam Neeson in "Taken" is one of them. The story beginsRead more...
A quantum of soul-less …
Reviewed Quantum Of Solace
Theres one thing that Austin Powers should realize … he aint nothing without James Bond. However this fact has apparently escaped the most unexpected of peoRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on trailblazer_sarat's review
Night Owl : 'What happened to the dream ?' Comedian : 'What happened to the dream ? , It came True ! You are looking at it !'
Followed aaryesdee
Rated on Mogeston's review
Rated on angelajoha's review
Followed angelajoha
Commented on Mocking_bird's article
Cheer up ! We measure our happiness with how much correlation we get between our lives and our ''expected'' lives. There is one reality all around us ... and there is another inside us. Its very difficult for any normal person to have a singular reality ( which is inevitably more like the one outsid Read More...
Life is a Joke
"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within." -Will Durant I had heard this in the movie Apocalypto - an awesome movie if you ask me ! The news of Lehman brothers filing for bankruptcy makes me remember that little sentence again. The nature of a g Read more...
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