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Member Since:Oct 02, 2016
100 MS Points
Student as well as working. Travelling browsing net music movies chatting...meeting new people
About Me
Education: Hsc
Food and Drinks: Chinese Italian Indian Arabic continental etcBooks: Harry potter etcMovie Stars: Ranveer Singh and many otherMovies: Bollywood and HollywoodT.V. Shows: Friends crime reality shows drama comedyMusic: Pop rock folk cold play etc
Food and Drinks: Chinese Italian Indian Arabic continental etc
Books: Harry potter etc
Movie Stars: Ranveer Singh and many other
Movies: Bollywood and Hollywood
T.V. Shows: Friends crime reality shows drama comedy
Music: Pop rock folk cold play etc
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Not so good cake
Reviewed Denish The Cake Shop - Mira Road - Thane
Denish the cake shop has variety of cakes but not all the flavours of the cake are good . The one which we ordered was too dry and it has a very low moistureRead more...
The ice cream parlour
Reviewed Natural Ice Cream - Mira Road - Thane
As the name suggest NATURALSit actually is that natural taste in the ice cream they have variety of ice creams made in fresh and rich milk.t hey also provide Read more...
Air india disappointment
Reviewed Air India
Air India I reputed name in market the credit is quite humble and helpful the service was fine the food was not so appreciable n tasty cabins were clean howevRead more...
A smooth flight
Reviewed Emirates
Emirates is a reputed brand and while I was flying from Lebanon to Dubai they managed to keep their brand name the cabin crew was polite, humble , generous anRead more...
A too long movie
Reviewed M. S. Dhoni: The Untold Story
As we all know the movie is all about the Indian cricket player m s Dhoni , Where the actors have shown a very good piece of work Distant Singh Rajput has dRead more...
Reviewed St Xaviers High School - Mumbai
I am a xavierite and so I can say it is one of the best chain if schools to study in because it just dont teaches you the subjects but it give an overall grooRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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