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Member Since:Jul 31, 2008
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Reviewed Maruti Eeco
I personally own a Tata Indigo and went to test the Eco as a viable second car option for our family outings.After the test yesterday I was relatively impressRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on own review
Never mind...I dont mind your personal preferrences...just wanted to make sure you dont mess around technically...:-)...terms like VFM are grossly abused by a lot of people who hardly understand their significance.
Commented on lazar.dave's review
The TCIC engine is from a by gone era. The 140 bhp Dicor wont give you similar frustrations. Go for it if you plan to change your car.
Commented on sameerkapse's review
This review is certainly about the old Safari and not the Dicor one. The Dicor Safari is a bomb to drive with awesome power. Comparing it with the Scorpio...Scorpio Mhawk makes 120 bhp whereas the Safari Dicor makes 140 bhp. The extra 20 bhp makes the Safari a more powerful vehicle. Though quality ( Read More...
Rated on nithinvishwa19's review
Rated on dis2shlps's review
Reply to Neo: Dude, start getting some English lessons. Did I compare the Scorpio or Xylo with this? In fact I have myself written that the car looks boxy. These vehicles are from completely different segments and price points. Their positioning is also very different and hence the value they bring Read More...
Commented on AryaNisha's review
This is a more realistic review about the bike...150CC/17ps is not a sports bike equation. Yamaha needs to put up atleast a 250CC V-twin to really create a winner. Even if this means a higher price...a sports bike has to perform...not just look sporty.
Commented on dranupshetty's review
The review is good, but i doubt that a bike making a modest 17PS of power with a 150cc engine at heart can go upto 140Kmph...even if Yamaha uses feathers to build it. Nevertheless, its a good initiative to have our breed of true sports bikes at home. The Ninja is the one I am waiting for...250CC sou Read More...
Commented on Juby's review
Dude what abt the performance...sprots bikes are not meant to be driven at 50k's...whats the top speed???and pickup???0-60/0-100?
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