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Member Since:Sep 05, 2007
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Verito information required
Reviewed Mahindra-Renault Logan
I am planning to book verito D4, but I am a bit confused as I get this information regarding logan from a lot of forums. I am not sure if this has been addresRead more...
Petrol v/s diesel
Reviewed Petrol Vs. Diesel car
I did my own calculation to find out the break even between petrol and  diesel car price difference, for this I considered following: 1)Cost Difference betweRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
Let me recorrect my calculation, when we consider both type of vehicles with on road mileage, the breakeven happens close to 30000kms. Now that would be like 2.5yrs of driving conservatively. I would prefer to buy a disesl vehicle no matter what as the over fuel costs tilts the balance towards it.
@countme91: thanks for indicating the typo.
Commented on appy12's review
I did my own calculation to find out the break even between petrol and diesel car price difference, for this I considered following: 1)Cost Difference between similar variant = On road price difference. 2)Interest accrued @10% over the difference for a period of 5years. 3)Maintenance charges R Read More...
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