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Member Since:Sep 08, 2016
280 MS Points
About Me
Education: mca pursuing
Food and Drinks: indian foodBooks: five point someone and all chetan bhagat novelsMovie Stars: nana patekar, akshay kumarMovies: rustom,airliftT.V. Shows: firMusic: kishor kumar
Food and Drinks: indian food
Books: five point someone and all chetan bhagat novels
Movie Stars: nana patekar, akshay kumar
Movies: rustom,airlift
T.V. Shows: fir
Music: kishor kumar
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Good to use
Reviewed Cinthol Limefresh Soap
I use cinthol soap from since last three years its a good soap with limefresh. the thing which I love is the caustic whichb are in other soap are of very bad Read more...
Inormative regards sports news
Reviewed TenSports
Specially tensport is just known for wwe because this program is very very famous in all over the world, and in india first ever sports channel who takes thatRead more...
Reviewed Nokia 230 Dual Sim
Nokia 230 is good mobile to use . its upgraded from its previous version, so many new features are also added in that. one thing which is very good in that moRead more...
Reviewed Ghadi Detergent
I remeber when I was college I use ghadi detergent to wash my cloths, and that time its good . but fom since last 5 years the quality of that ghadi is chnged.Read more...
Awsome taste
Reviewed Patanjali Power Vita
Earlier I just thik that why patanjali made this product,all kids want bournvita and complain and all . but the thing is now a days I see there is a craze betRead more...
Best ever in indore
Reviewed Apna Sweets - Vijay Nagar - Indore
You know MP is just known for delicious sweets namkin and all our basic breakfast including poha, samosa, and all. if you are in indore and you feel hungary aRead more...
One time to see
Reviewed Treasure Island Mall - South Tukoganj - Indore
Treasure island is the first mall in indore which is located in mid of indore city.this I can say this is the pride of indore and we can say a achivemet also Read more...
Hygenic and superb taste
Reviewed Domino's Pizza - Lingampally - Hyderabad
I am in hyderabad from since last three years and I almost visit many restaurants in hyderabad . I have heard from so many people that the dominos in lingampaRead more...
Most prominent in pain relief
Reviewed Zandu Balm
Zandu balm is the brand, actually you know my grand father who dont belive in all alophathy medicine, but they use zandu balm for headache. my all family did Read more...
Totaly fraud
Reviewed Naukri.com
Its my biggest mistake that I upload my resume to naukri.com, what I say about naukri.com, earlier when I not upload my resume to naukri.com, i believe that Read more...
Pure and healthy
Reviewed Amul Ghee
Amul is the leading brand of ghee, my family uses amul ghee from since last 10 years. and the thig you know my mom loves amul ghee infact my all whole family Read more...
Good for health
Reviewed Dabur Honey
Dabur is the oldest brand infact from my childhood to till I see dabur in every where and also in each group wheather it is a group of children, young, eldersRead more...
Reviewed Nescafe Sunrise Insta-Filter
Nescafe is the leadiing brand of coffee and offcourse they deserve that. if you take one cup of nescafe coffee early in morning, then the whole day of your isRead more...
Three characteristics-helping,caring,responsible
Reviewed Axis Bank
Axis bank is one of fastest growing private bank . the thing which I love of axis bank is the staff they are very helping, they understand us, in other bank IRead more...
Acting is called like this...good job FIR team
Reviewed FIR - TV Serial SAB TV Channel
I am huuuuuge fan of fir. I did not any miss any episode of fir. one thing which I love about fir is the acting of chandramaukhi, gopi and all team . the backRead more...
The best
Reviewed Yardley Gentleman Adventure Perfume
The life of salesman is you know just wandering here and there in all season, specially in summer I cant tell you about that, my whole body is full of perspirRead more...
Superb pickup
Reviewed Honda Shine 125
Honda shine, you know guys once a while our family is just talking about bikes, my father said that what bullshit todays company manufactured bikes just useleRead more...
Poor courier service
Reviewed Amazon
Amazon is a trustable brand for online shopping we all know that,infact I am also saying that the product which are in amazon are very good,but one thing thatRead more...
Best ever in mumbai
Reviewed Status Restaurant - Nariman Point - Mumbai
I visited this place a couple of weeks back with my family for dinner and it was incredible to see huge waiting and a massive area the restaurant posses. youRead more...
Awsome book
Reviewed Five Point Someone - Chetan Bhagat
First of all I am big fan of chetan bhagat. I love the writing style of chetan bhagat.i read so many books of chetan bhagat,but from all which I love is five Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Sohail Khan (@arshad000MouthShut Verified Member)
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Vijay Saini (@vijaybaghel1993MouthShut Verified Member)
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Akshay Gundecha (@akshaypgundechaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Mandeep Singh (@OMX_3388MouthShut Verified Member)
Moin Ali (@mnzeee21MouthShut Verified Member)
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Fizza Khan (@favvxnvdhznsjhs12MouthShut Verified Member)
AyÅŸe Kuzucu (@aysekuzucu74MouthShut Verified Member)