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Member Since:Sep 16, 2016
220 MS Points
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Reviewed Amul Bindaaz Wafer Chocolate
Hi guys toady im gonna share you some information regarding "AMUL BINDAZZ" we are eating wafers from many years . We loved many wafers but some of them Read more...
Awesome smartphone at less price
Reviewed Letv LeEco Le 1s Eco
Hi guys todays generation is using smartphones a lot.For them Le 1s is best choice . Im not saying that blindly though it is a China product it is much Read more...
Wonder woman
Reviewed Wonder Woman (2017)
Hi everyone we all saw the animations serial justice league .One of the character among them is WONDER WOMAN .It is good that the " universal studios " has brRead more...
Oldest and tasty biscuit
Reviewed Parle G Biscuits
Hi, everyone we use to eat parle G biscuits in our childhood, now also we are eating it .It is tasty and nutritional bisciut it will suit to eat with tea, milRead more...
It is the coolest phone of the year
Reviewed LeEco Le 2
LeEco le 2 is very stylish phone and has many awesome features .It is about 8 months that leEco company launched their mobiles in India .It is cheap of cost aRead more...
Worthy for reading
Reviewed Gitanjali - Rabindranath Tagore
I read a book by tagore called lipika which did appeal to the romantic in me .i did find the book deep and still easy to understand so I gave gitanjali a try.Read more...
Let us talk about Raees treesar
Reviewed Raees
The first trailer of sharukhan upcoming film RAEES was released few days ago .This is the first film of Sharukhan playing a villain role .The trailer was veryRead more...
Up coming action packed movie
Reviewed Assassin's Creed
Every one love to play assassins Creed game .More over interested in watching the movie .The twenty century fox production brought a new film that is assassinRead more...
Best online shopping site
Reviewed Snapdeal
Now a days every one are showing interest in online shopping.Snapdeal is a best site for online shopping because if you select a product and you ordered it yoRead more...
The best Telugu Chanel till now and later also
Reviewed Gemini Movies
Today there are many channels which becamed circus .They play all the rubbish programs as they like .But GEMINI MOVIES is a channel which plays nice movies anRead more...
It is worth of money or not?
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi 3S Prime
Xiaomi Redmi 3S prime is one of the leading mobile in todays generation .It has many features and nice look.The ram is 3GB the ROM is 32GB you can storeRead more...
Reviewed Hathway Broadband
I just moved to "HATHWAY BROADBAND" on seeing its offers and on customer explanation . But after buying this network I started beating my head to wall bRead more...
Is Jio a good network or not
Reviewed Reliance Jio
Hi, everyone today we can hear from every person about one thing that isjio yah it is because it is free of cost only one thing is needed that is Read more...
Why did you bought this one
Reviewed Honda Activa 3G
Hi guys .I recently bought the HONDA ACTIVA 3G .I wasted my money on buying this sooner first I was excited when I bought it after three days the head light oRead more...
What is talk about the movie Dhruva
Reviewed Dhruva
Hi guys, very one likes police action movies more over with some extra masala things.The official trailer of the movie Dhruva seems interesting but the expresRead more...
It is nice and has a better good sound clarity
Reviewed Sony Walkman B Series 4GB MP3 Player NWZ B173F/R
Hi guys we all know that Sony is an international brand and everyone wants to buy the products of Sony but due to its price someone will stop buying it .The pRead more...
Excited to watch Force 2
Reviewed Force 2
Hi guys I like to watch action movies  a lot and expecting you also like to watch action movie. The movie Force 2 is full of action and thrilling did you watcRead more...
The worst network
Reviewed ACT
Hi guys I just checked in to ACT network .I took A-max 650 of 50GB and speed 10mbps first the speed is good but after a week it dropped to 2mbps .The fup was Read more...
About the song
Reviewed Don't You Need Somebody - RedOne
The song Dont You need somebody by RedOne is one of the mind blowing song of RedOne.The song is very nice and the feat is also nice more over the officiRead more...
How is the xxx:The Return of Xander Cage trailer
Reviewed xXx: Return of Xander Cage
The movie xxx is going to come in xxx part 3 the return of Xander Cage .The first look is awesome the stunts are awful more over the music is good .But few scRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
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Kiran S Lokande (@kiranslokandeMouthShut Verified Member)
JaswantB415 (@JaswantB415MouthShut Verified Member)
LifeCell International Pvt Ltd (@LifeCell_CSMouthShut Verified Member)
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Ravi Agarwal (@rksathish94MouthShut Verified Member)
Punyaslok Dash (@poo33418MouthShut Verified Member)
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Gautam Deka (@dekagautam37MouthShut Verified Member)
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Vignesh V (@vigneshaugMouthShut Verified Member)