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Member Since:Nov 10, 2016
40 MS Points
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Just time pass........
Reviewed Comedy Nights Bachao
Its just a boring show which disappoint you. It has just boring concept of inviting the guests and insulting them by making there fun with really worse jokes.Read more...
Not a good way
Reviewed Naaptol
Friends I would like to about this website that it is not a good way to shop. My overall observation about this one is bad. They charge more than the real priRead more...
Reviewed Snapdeal
It is smart and latest way of shopping just sitting at home at your ease. It really providing u the best of of the best service. We can shop at any time we waRead more...
Reviewed Letv LeEco Le 1s Eco
It is not a good concept according to me . I sidnt like itnatall. The phone is also nor affiesable. It is a expensive mobile phone abs doest provide akl rhe nRead more...
Reviewed Mobile Fun
It one of the site which really made me unhappy its features and functions are neither good nor satisfying. I have decided that not to surf everbon this site.Read more...
Reviewed Suzuki Gixxer Fi
It is not a suitabke bike for every person who is rhinking of purchasing a classic and cool bike. So just buy it. Not upto mark. Features are good bot evrryonRead more...
Reviewed Ae Dil Hai Mushkil
This is a true story fir which I was searching for fro a long time . all the people who are watching this should go for it. It will defenetly entertain. The aRead more...
Reviewed Shivaay
It is not a film to be appreciate. The acting of the actors is nOtb upto good level. Overall it does not fulfill all your needs regarding the movie. The storyRead more...
True education
Reviewed Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth - Pune
Just fabulous everyrhing thing us goid and the educarion is od zuperquality. Dont miss this golseb opurtyinity hshkbvjs supeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeRead more...
Mesmerising product
Reviewed Lenovo Vibe K4 Note Wooden Edition
It is the right and the best smartphone for which I was searching from a long time. I think no one should miss this golden oppurtunity which have knocked yourRead more...
Reviewed Spice Gaming Mobile X2
It is a true thrilling gaming mobile fir which I was searching for. Its gives you the best and the unmatched oppurtunity. It is like a dream come true. ThanksRead more...
Super cool
Reviewed Motorola Moto Z Play
Motorola Moti Z Play is one device which truly has become a need of every person in todays life. I think it the the tht right one which you were searching froRead more...
Reviewed Chromecast Audio
It is one of the affordabke and cool device in tidays kiks weshould ude it ery eaaile7hahhaa superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfffffrfffffrrrrrrrrddddddfddfrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRead more...
Reviewed Micromax Canvas Spark 4G Q409
One of the product which mean to be a price satusfying mobile phone. Easy to use and have best features at such a reasnable price. True 4G connrctivity availaRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Followed hemalpatel122 , hemmu , sada1997 , rachitasinghal6
Commented on hemmu's review
What u wrote is 100% really true.
Rated on hemmu's review
Commented on own review
Hi .Thanks my friend for your comment.
Followed saaranshshrm , sandeepsandeep40 , reginadsouza818 , cool_maddy420 , a8959740004
True spark of joy in life for the new technologies
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