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Member Since:Sep 22, 2009
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Music: Music & Cars
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Sonodyne Systems review /HT
Reviewed Sonodyne Home Theater
I got my Sonodyne system - Tape deck and SX5.series speakers in 1995. It was indeed a treat to the ears with the advent of FM channels then and their classicsRead more...
City Limouzines Issue
Reviewed City Limouzines
From the recent notification on citiy limouzines websites and the court directives, a settlement of our investments seem to be taking shape. However. What haRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on moses0196's review
Can we know how authentic this information is? The company has not bothered to post any update to its investors since the notification of the October meetings. How are we sure that this not a rumour. We do not see any realistc actions from the company to be sure that we should be optimistic or at le Read More...
Commented on matta's review
Guys..I only have the receipts, no agreement since I invested in July'09. How do we get the refunds. Please update if you have any information on this from the meeting
Commented on lucas2626's review
You may try out the newer Sondodyne products.This model would have been phased out long back.
Commented on Piecemeal's review
indeed a very well written review with details therein. Under which category would an invester who deposited 1.44 lacs during July'09 fall under since he has only receipts of the payments and could not sign the agreements or receive andy PDCs due this issues cropping up in the midst. Any idea Read More...
Commented on 1Optimist's review
A reasonable assesement of the situation and review of the past. Hope for the best and lets keep ourselves posted on the happenings and possible Options to come out of it.
Rated on 1Optimist's review
Commented on own review
Thanks Guys..request that we do not post any rumours/hearsay or even feelings..we should use this forum for only posting valuable information or details which is useful to all concerned..what is todays' meeting about? didn't hear or read about this..
Christy Find (@cmkickboxerMouthShut Verified Member)
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