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Member Since:Apr 17, 2017
300 MS Points
hey m jeet singh the free lancer. i like to give rewiews on products i use.
Health is wealth. use this oil.
Reviewed Figaro Olive Oil
Figaro is the brand olive oil which we are using form my childhood. it is the no.1 olive oil brand used in all over world. this oil is pure good in taste. it Read more...
Heatup easily
Reviewed LYF Flame 8
Lyf flame 8 feels really flaming after using internet and vedios. the plus factor of this phone is that it is cheap with the price of aprox.- 4000/- in markeRead more...
Nothing special
Reviewed Micromax Canvas 2 Q4310 (2017)
Micromax cavas 2 is siply a basic phone with android 4.2.2 nothing is said to be special. its just a basic phone. 1 have gifted it to my lil brother. and usRead more...
Convinient to use.
Reviewed HP LaserJet M1005 MFP
I am using HP laserjet M1005 MFP from around 3 mounths. really convinient to use. price for money. it have all the features a printer should have. its prinRead more...
Best phone in this price range
Reviewed Motorola Moto G5 Plus 32GB
I think motorola moto G5 32 gb is the best phone ever I have used in this price point it contains every thing a smart phone should have it compeats well with Read more...
Not made for dudezZ
Reviewed Honda Activa 125
Activa is the first name come in our mind when we think about scooties. but when we compare it with other scooties its not that cool. in every espect there arRead more...
Xiaomi every single movile is best.
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 3
Xiaomi provides you best in class mobiles for us. they are in lowest to expancive range but you will never be disapointed by xiaomi. today we will talk aboutRead more...
Network is good but they are real theft.
Reviewed Vodafone SuperNet 4G
2 mouth later 1 brought a vodafone smim and become a user or that network. I got a scheme that on the recharge of 345 I will get every day 1 gb internet and uRead more...
Bad service low quality products
Reviewed Shopclues
Shopclues as says best deals about this n this. but as per my opinion there is not any single thing which impress me or attract me to buy from shopclues. I haRead more...
The best budget phone
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi 3S Prime
Xiaomi redmi 3s prime is the most featured mobile phone it its budget range. nowadays redme has launched xiaomi note 4A the cheapest and best in class mobile Read more...
Amway nutralite protien powder.
Reviewed Nutrilite Protein Powder
U alrady have listened about brand amway and their worldclass products. amoung them the best producd series is nutralite I am the registered bussiness owner oRead more...
Xiami redme note 4. the best option in market
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 3GB RAM
A Flipkart and Mi.com exclusive for now, the Redmi Note 4 will be available in three variants from 23 January onwards through flash sale. The entry-level variRead more...
Fast and furious 8.
Reviewed The Fate of the Furious (Fast 8)
I wached fast and furious 8 on first day first show and this is really a coolaction movie whole the series are awsome and this part also contain lots of fast Read more...
Good mobile at the cheap price point
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J2 - 6 (2016 Edition)
On this price point Samsung Galaxy J2 ( 2016) smartphone is the best option. The phone comes with a 5.00-inch touchscreen display with a resolution of 720 pixRead more...
Reviewed Paytm
Paytm is the india no.1 and most used wallet. it is used all over our area for the local payment, online payment ect. it is like an bank in your pocket. most Read more...
Online shopping is covinient by online clues
Reviewed Onlineclues
Onlineclues.com is an online shoping site where we get compared products according to there quality and cost. it provides great deals. bt draw back is home xeRead more...
Commented on own review
Ok sure bro. I will help you as I can. tell me about your budget and which type of printer you want. and thanks for comment
Rated on Achauhan827's review
Commented on Achauhan827's review
Bhai . mere reviews pe comment kro plz
Followed Achauhan827
Followed mightyashish8340 , amirhamzakhan7896
Rated on devrathore007's review
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Rated on naghma3802's review
Rated on devgangwar's review
Commented on nareshverma01's review
Keep it up bro. doin a great job
Rated on nareshverma01's review
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Urban Hermits (@UrbanHermitsMouthShut Verified Member)
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Prable Pandey (@pandeyprable88MouthShut Verified Member)
Sumit Joshi (@sumitrules007MouthShut Verified Member)
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Manoj Shah (@manojsshahMouthShut Verified Member)
Satish A (@iamSatishMouthShut Verified Member)
Praveena Javvaji (@Praveena9177MouthShut Verified Member)
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Nooreena Qadri (@PlanetSparkMouthShut Verified Member)
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ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
Dr.Nishchal Bhatt (@nishchalbhattahMouthShut Verified Member)
Sara (@sarruu0332MouthShut Verified Member)
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Prasanna Dommu (@POBox5843MouthShut Verified Member)
Rajat Khandelwal (@rajatgupta59MouthShut Verified Member)