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Member Since:Feb 27, 2009
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CCAvenue - There are better PG's than this.
Reviewed CCAvenue
5% and 7%? you must be really desperate if you are planning on going for ccavenue. What we dont do is research. I am a web designer and tried installingRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on bigshoefan's review
hey there guys.... all i wanna tell u is that gone are the monopoly ccavenue days.... there are better guys on the block who charge much less..... if u dnt like ccavenue, id suggest u shift. there are techprocess.in, direcpay, banks, paysignet n soooo many more.
Commented on own review
5 & 7% are the commissions they charge per transaction and for Netbanking its around 2 - 4%. But techprocess and direcpay also offer you the same options, only better services and lower commissions.
Commented on Rajeshram's review
ok, the above review was written by my friend who works for CCAvenue. Dont beleive the above. There are better guys in the market who are offering lower commission rates such as billdesk, techprocess.in, direcpay by times group, paysignet etc. all their services are better and more cost effective th Read More...
these guys were good when the launched as they were the only ones in the market. With stiff competition coming in from billdesk, techprocess, direcpay, paysignet etc, they are slowly going to loose market share unless the reduce their commissions. The others have comm as low as 1.5% to 3.5%
the above is false as i know who has written it.
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