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Member Since:Oct 07, 2020
0 MS Points
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Jeetle Auction-Fraud Scandal company
Reviewed Jeetle
Jeetle is the biggest fraud , gambling company swindling your money in the name of auctions. Be careful before putting your money. I have a friend of mine whoRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on vikeshe's review
Commented on rajivram's review
The guy rakesh060890 is jeetle gaandu insider. be careful with this fraud company
Rated on rajivram's review
Commented on purushotam46's review
Thank you very much for enlightening this scandal. Please see this jeelte scandal report at http://www.mouthshut.com/review/Jeetle-in-review-rmpqupsnnr
Rated on purushotam46's review
Rated on ashu005_pandey's review
Rated on ganeshM32's review
Rated on anjumanu123's review
Commented on anjumanu123's review
Note True at all
Rated on qwerty390's review
Rated on ranjeetyadav1976's review
Commented on ranjeetyadav1976's review
you are big liar
Commented on own review
again rakesh060890 gaandu is talking of other websites. thats very clear now he is a jeetle insider gaandu. win loss is a part of game gaandu. if you have problems with it go ask your Randi maa behen. here we are not worried about loss, but the way you are made to believe this is true. everyone know Read More...
Rated on AjayKumar027's review
Commented on AjayKumar027's review
don't glorify the scandal company. Jeetle is fraud and u are an insider.
This is in response to ** rakesh060890's comment. Before we talk of my profile lets talk about your profile & comments. I see that you have made comments about snapbid & other auction sites, but keep glorifying jeetle. So you should be a jeetle insider. surely you are the one who manipulates alexa & Read More...
Rated on manish_Jai's review
Commented on manish_Jai's review
The following people are jeetle insiders 1) rakesh060890 2) manish_jai. Hey idiot manish_jai. Alexa ranking can be easily manipulated, by creating false proxy hits. Jeetle is has done exactly that. Don't glorify that fraud scandal company here stealing money.
Commented on rohan_sita's review
how much were you paid to write this fraud company. I have worked for jeetle, i know they are scam
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