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Member Since:Dec 31, 2016
1160 MS Points
yogesh. being online
About Me
Education: pursuing btech
Food and Drinks: sandwichBooks: the hell boyMovie Stars: hollywoodMovies: intersellerT.V. Shows: wweMusic: akonQuotes: hIIIIhaaaa
Food and Drinks: sandwich
Books: the hell boy
Movie Stars: hollywood
Movies: interseller
T.V. Shows: wwe
Music: akon
Quotes: hIIIIhaaaa
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Reviewed Lakme Face Makeup
Lakme is my favourite and best opinio for facal and other activities. I also use this product at my home suits me. Must have this beauty product on the most Read more...
Xiaomi Mi Max Prime
Reviewed Xiaomi Mi Max Prime
This is the best phone I had ever seen.It has lots of latest and updated technologies like fingerprint screen.The most demandable and smartest phone. 1) -souRead more...
Reviewed Big Bazaar - Delhi
Big bazaar is famous for it products and qualities as compare to the market price. 1)-parking- big bazaar has huge parking facilities which is situated underRead more...
Motu patlu
Reviewed Motu Patlu
Motu patlu is my best serial cartoon I have ever seen. 1)-caste performance-the caste performers are animated and the motu patlu animation is plotted too gooRead more...
Prestige gas stop
Reviewed Prestige Gas Stove - Glass top
The most demandable and best quality stove is only prestige gas stove. 1) ease of use- it is very easy to use and only the plugging system required to burn sRead more...
Vaseline lip therapy
Reviewed Vaseline Lip Therapy
Vaseline is one of the best therapy to prevent our lip dry in the cold season Vaseline provide us with many flavours and fragnance. The vaseline is recommenRead more...
Useless app
Reviewed Weone
1) concept-it provides us money by only reffering this app to others by only reffering thebyhe money of refferal is given to us.only the upper person would geRead more...
Google chrome
Reviewed Google Chrome
1) -Fuctionality and usage-Google is the fastest and huge demandable browser to surf inyernet on the smartphones and the personal computers. 2) - features-AsRead more...
Heat up yophoria
Reviewed Yu Yuphoria
I used this phone since 1 year and too fissatisfied with my decision to purchase this phone. As the phone took large time to battery up instead of it usage tRead more...
Best comedian show
Reviewed The Kapil Sharma Show
This is the most popular and comediest show I had ever seen. 1- caste performance- in this show the role is done by the kapil sharma and there company. 2-plRead more...
Share everything
Reviewed SHAREit
Share it is one of the fastest and quickest application to transfer files from one device to another. Concept- file can be transferred from one device to anoRead more...
Worth company
Reviewed Mercedes Benz Research and Development India Pvt Ltd
As we all know the private company squeeze there employee and gain money form themself and it provide for employee to enjoy but working on mercedes benz compaRead more...
Hero honda bike
Reviewed Hero Honda Glamour
Hero honda glamour bike is excellent and it has japanese technology incorporporated with it bike is equipped with 124.70 cc for store adn sngle cylinder OHC Read more...
Blue Star Split AC 1.5 Ton
Reviewed Blue Star Split AC 1.5 Ton
This is one of the best air conditioner I have ever seen and I am quite impress with it performance the ac look so shiny and so sleeky adn cools which make iRead more...
Samsung Joy Plus J5100 Full HD LED TV
Reviewed Samsung Joy Plus J5100 Full HD LED TV
I purchased this product from the showroom of samsung and has very crisp picture quality as mentioned by there company the sound is very loud and clear qualiRead more...
Reviewed Microsoft Xbox 360
Xbox 360 is the best console for playing games and I has been using this console since last year.this xbos provide a good platform to play game more widely anRead more...
Apple iPhone 5S
Reviewed Apple iPhone 5S
Apple iphone 5s is the first smartphone with fingerprint scanner and a formal look . camera quality of the phone is very good and has excellent build qualityRead more...
Acer Aspire ONE Z1402 Notebook
Reviewed Acer Aspire ONE Z1402 Notebook
Acer is the loyal brand because of its product quality and servics and I had purchased it 3 months ago This product has higher demands and within range to miRead more...
Amazing serial
Reviewed Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai!
It is one of my beat serial I have ever seen 1) -caste performance- in this movie the 2 couples husband tried to flirt with the bhabhi and whole plot revolveRead more...
Reviewed WWE Wrestling
I had been watching wwe since childhood not only for the entertainment purpose but to knew some shots or tricks to beat my wrestlers. 1) - caste performer- cRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on mukuljethiwal4's review
Good review Plzz reply me message
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