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Member Since:Feb 20, 2008
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Raghu should be banned
Reviewed MTV Roadies
- - @ - - @- - - Hi everyone! I would suggest MTV to take necessary actions against the host "Raghu", who keeps on using abusive languages. Our culture neveRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on RACHITVATS1981's review
Airtel Sucks They are just selling off their products...... no customer service at all.
Rated on RACHITVATS1981's review
Followed igetthebest
Commented on own review
Hi, Thanks for the comments. Frankly speaking, I didn't like the languages used by Raghu during the selection process. So, I didn't had the interest of watching the whole episodes.
Miss Sneha ! Thanks for ur comments......this actually shows what kind of social background you are from. The show could have been much better if foul languages would have been avoided. Ur point of view actually says that 'Matured person get open access to talk foul and bad'....... u are a kid. Read More...
Commented on tdhabe's review
Hi, ? ? ? ? This is in regards to my airtel postpaid no. 9818212252, my outgoing was barred without any notice for which I can't even call 121 or 9810012345. This is not for the first time it happened, it happened so many times with my existing no. 9958455338 as well. I am fed up with the ba Read More...
Hi ! The review was person specific, I am not at all against the 'Roadies'. I like the fun and the challenge, the only hitch was the type of language Raghu was using. If you have relegiously gone through the topic/review, it has a good message in it. None of the good people would ever entertain b Read More...
Followed RACHITVATS1981
Commented on kiranbritney's review
Raghu is idiot, he talks rubbish. One shouldn’t use abusive languages in the show, the whole world is watching them. Raghu should be penalized for such abusive talks, our culture never accepts this.
Commented on animan55's review
Raghu is idiot, he talks rubbish. One shouldn't use abusive languages in the show, the whole world is watching them. Raghu should be penalized for such abusive talks, our culture never accepts this.
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