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Member Since:Nov 20, 2007
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BIO-SLEEP the best feature ..... sleep uninterrup
Reviewed Samsung Bio Sleep
We have bought samsungs 1 ton split AC 1 month ago, and are very satisfied with the BIO-SLEEP feature of it. I would not say that its the best AC amongRead more...
Bad Bad Bad .... worse than dialup net....
Reviewed Choosing a Wireless ISP
I totally agree with all the points in the previous review. The speed never goes more than 5KBps. the dialup internet is much much better than this netsettersRead more...
Only Looks & HEADPHONE Music!! Else everythin poo
Reviewed Nokia 5310
I have purchased 5310 Xprsmusic recently for 10.6k(Mumbai). It has great looks with an ultraslim body(9.9 mm thickness) and the headphone music quality is reRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on avinash.murkute's review
Hi, I dont have account in HDFC, but I got ba really good experience about HDFC, when I went there for the Home Loan inquiry. The guys were really very informative and helping. I havent yet taken the Loan, but the initial exp was good. Which was not the case with ICICI bank. Firstly I had to wait fo Read More...
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Commented on setushah's review
Do this byke needs registration and license to drive it?
Rated on setushah's review
Commented on dragoon's review
Hi, i m interested in buying this bike. but i had some doubts in my mind. 1. What is the maintainance cost for it? 2. How can we charge the battery? I stay at 3rd floor and it is not possible each time to take the battery there and charge it. Is the battery very heavy? 3. Do you know what is t Read More...
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