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By: sachinaxis | Posted: Mar 29, 2008 | General | 700 Views (Updated Jul 09, 2014)

Me an Msian wants to appeal some changes and introduction of New features in MS so this is the request to Mr. Faisal, CEO of Mouthshut.

The following are the changes we expect:

1- The minimum parachuters limit in writing review should be increased to 300 words and maximum limit to about 10000 words.

2- Feature to delete Bookmarks.

3- Consumer care feature should be introduced for Msians to solve thire ittle-big concerns.

4- Link on the main page for viewing all the star writers.

5- A dedicated space or link to the space where we all can see new products added

6 - There should be "Entertainment" Category

7 - There should be award distribution annually for the best writer, review, profile, dairy post etc.

8 - There are hardly any member who have 10000 point, so no gifts should cost more than 5000 points.

Thats all. Thanks

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