When Every one is Enjoying First Day of new year... I am Sad.. Sitting on my Bed.. Looking Out side the Window.. Thinking about the Past....
What we have lost in these years & what we gain... How can we so unaware of our culture... How can we change so much... How can we become so much selfish.. How can we feel so proud of what we are?.... How can Attitude, Ego, Me, My Self, I worlds Became so important in our life....
Just Thinking about the time When I was Kid,,,, So Innocent, Very Far from the dirt of this World... No worries about the past & Future...
As the Clock is making turn over & over again.. I realized that Time is forcing me to grow up.... But I confess I am some one who refuse to grow up.. I don't want to be called as Mature...
I want to Play Doll again.. I wish, I can again get back those days of my Princess Doll's marriage with my Friends Prince Doll.... How innocent we were.. While playing Marriage Game of Doll's we were so unaware of the meaning of marriage... The World was so small & around some people.. With lots of People Who care for us.. Who love us without any expectation...& never asked any thing back in returns of that love & affection..
The Only Love was Mummy.. With whom we share small small happenings of our Day... From the School stuff to our meaningless fights with friends... But Alaas!!! We are no more that innocent Kid.. .
Today!! With our Mom, We only share those things which they should know... Some of us even don't bother of sharing any thing with them... OR I can Say we are so busy in Our life that we don't get that much time to talk with our Mom & share Day's Stuff............
Today!! I See some Kids making House of Sand on Beach.... I thought ... Innocent Kid!! They are not aware,,, They are making House near by Sea... One Wave is enough to Destroy this Small house of Sand.... Which they made with lots of effort of 1 hour....
I Wish!!! I Could be Kid.. Again making those Houses... Which I made with my friends 18 years back... absolutely no sense of future. Surrounded by water, greenery.. and me relaxing.. Without Worrying with whom, I have to live in this house.. How can I manage Expenses & How can I fulfill needs of this house members... Wish I could be that Kid again......
I wish !! I can Play in Dirty water of Rain again without worrying of cloths.. Without Worrying of Skin... Just the only one thing in mind “Enjoy its Raining”.... Today when its Rain.. I don't know why but It made me Upset... When Sky Cry .. When Climate Become Dull... I become more Dull than the Environment.. Why I don’t enjoy like an innocent Kid without thinking about climate etc...
I want!!! Everything back... My Time in which I Only think about how to arrange time to play with Friends... My Stupid Talks with Mom... Which was without any sense but my Mom loves to here that... My Friends... Who were my whole World.. With whom I fought for small things & those 5 mins Katti Dosti System ...
My Love for God... My Innocent Prays... Even for a small Doll, Used to raise hands in front of God...
My Innocent Childhood.. Which I lost in this Crowd of World.....
Whish I Could be Kid Again. but I knew that was such a stupid thinking... sigh. life is depressing...yet it can be wonderful if we cherish it.. And handle everything wisely
Wish I Could be Kid Again