For once things proceeded as planned. At 8.30 in the evening Masi received a call from Tutu that had her dancing all around the house.
“Oh my poor baby….bitten by dogs….oh I should never have left him alone with that stupid Shivsagar….I need to go to him immediately. Quick quick book me on the next flight home Arun.”
Arun Masa was just as alarmed. “Yes yes…Yogi see if there is a late night flight to Chandigarh.”
For once Yogi was more than pleased to do Masi’s bidding. He booked her on the next flight available and did not crib even when asked to drive her to the airport. Getting rid of Masi in just two days was a bonus he had not expected.
Dinner that night was a peaceful affair. Needless to say Dadi’s headache was miraculously cured. With Masi gone, Arun Masa was finally able to speak normally. In fact I realized that it was the first time I really heard Masa’s voice. After dinner everybody went to bed but I stayed awake waiting for Tutu’s call. He finally called at midnight.
“Hello Di. Everything has gone according to plan. Mom has reached and she does not suspect anything.”
“Whew! Thank God!”
“Thanks for everything Di.”
“No problem. You take care and concentrate on your studies now.”
He rang off and I suddenly realized how tired I was. It had been a long weekend. I was just dozing off when my cellphone rang. It was Tutu again.
“Hello Di”
“Hello Tutu! Is something wrong? Has she found out?”
“No, she hasn’t. I called because I just thought of another way of finding Rinku….”
“Hello….hello….Tutu your voice is breaking…”
“Hello….hello….can’t hear you Tutu….”
I disconnected the call, switched off the phone and went to sleep.