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By: hakoonamatata | Posted: Sep 10, 2012 | General | 1322 Views

I was woken up by a phone call this Sunday morning. I normally wake up before any normal callers do, however, today being a Sunday, and wifey dear was already out birding, I was least expecting anyone else waking me up.

Anyway, the caller was an uncle from my native neighbourhood and had called up to remind me of something. There's some background to that "something".

He had contacted me to help his nincompoop son find a suitable job in NCR. Now, the definition of "help" is different for people depending on their backgrounds. For me it was as honest as the Oxford dictionary defines help. For him it has been that "jugaad" types, something I have never specialised in. I know that. People don't.

Any sensible person would understand that people have to build their skills for the career that wish to pursue. No one else can do that for a person. It takes commitment and hard work. This uncle of mine, and millions of his isotopes do not, however, understand that. The corrupt background of post independence India has a lot to do with their upbringing. Their children learn nothing better. I feel sorry for them as laws of nature are not corrupt, and make everyone looking for shortcuts struggle sometime they would least be ready for it.

I get such calls from more than one known person looking for such help for their offspring. I know I can do nothing for them. I tell the same in so many words time and again, but people understand only what they want to. I have tried to guide the real subjects in question, just to realise that they too find it hard to think honestly and with uprightness. Poor souls.

My humble message to all those parasites of the 21st century who look for such help - go to hell! ..... And never disturb my sleep again!

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