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By: hakoonamatata | Posted: Jul 20, 2009 | Bubbles of Thoughts | 1133 Views

A few months ago, I saw a mouthshut-Google partnership link on MS, that uses Google SMS services. I thought of it to be a cool idea and subscribed to one of the services - "Restaurant Review - Mouthshut".

Being a foodie, I thought this to be a good idea.

I started getting SMSes regularly from the service. However, the SMSes were of no use.

An SMS of this kind was just an alert that an SMS review about some restaurant has just been posted on MS. It gave no information about the restaurant that was referred. Besides, SMSes don't know when to arrive. They often disturbed me at work (That's entirely my mistake).

Now when I wanted to un-subscribe, I had a tough time finding the source from where I had subscribed it earlier. Logically, it should have some place on MS, but it wasn't. It had to be on Google Services. It sucked!

Thankfully, I am out of it now and some peace of mind has returned.

So all those who haven't been there - DON'T!

Thanks for reading more crap from me.....

Tags :
of, no, use
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