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By: KidBamboo | Posted: Dec 30, 2009 | General | 199 Views

Danny dabbled in small talk with Chita, her English proficient enough to answer simple questions. What the weather was like, sibling, how long she’d lived here, etc. He kept his eye on Jack. There had been rumors back at headquarters that Jack was going native and that he HAD to have a hoochie mama tucked away out here. Why else would he continue to stay assigned here without complaint? He had some hot gossip to take back to the office next week!

“Is this your house?” Augusta asked Jack quietly.

“Oh no.” She was so sweet. “ It’s a pension house, I stay here when I’m not in Murang.”

She nodded.

“Why are you here? I thought you lived in Murang?” He asked her.

“My mother sent me here to paint your picture.” She said, not once turning her head to face him, until that very moment. “She wanted me away from you.” She looked up at Jack, her eyes uncharacteristically looking at him in a boldness that surprised Jack.

He smiled a quick lopsided smile. “Now why would she do that?”

She turned away and stared back at the sea. “Because she thinks you are a Georgie –boy.”

“Georgie-boy?” Jack was confused.

“Geogie-boy, ‘kiss the girls and made them cry’.”

Jack leaned back in surprise. Wow, she kind of nailed me.Ouch.

“Augusta, I truly love your paintings, I really do. I think you are very sweet and smart. I would never want to do anything to make you cry. And I think if I found anyone who did, I would hurt them because they hurt you.” He meant it from the bottom of his heart. “You have to tell me you believe me.”

He told her. “Augusta?” she wouldn’t turn her head, so he stepped in front of her. She looked up at him, one hand shading her eyes from the sun. “You believe me don’t you? I don’t want to make you cry?”

“Too late.” She said nonchalantly and turned back towards the table. Jack stood rooted to the ground. Too late? What did that mean?

Augusta announced suddenly that she had to go back to Tito Ferio’s house. She was a perfect lady, thanking Jack and Danny for their company and the dinner. Chita just stood wide-eyed and the two men walked them to the front and hailed a tricycle for them.

Augusta said nothing as they rode back, but when Tita Celia, Tito Ferio’s wife asked them where they were and if they had eaten, Augusta said that they had eaten at Renata’s. She never looked at Chita, but Chita knew. Augusta had a secret.

Augusta went to her room, pulling out her paint supplies. She set up her pad and easel in the front courtyard and as Chita sat on the hammock, replaying the afternoon playing lady of the manor, Augusta began to sketch and paint.

Jack and Danny took the car back up to the field office. Danny teasing Jack about HIS little secret.

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